Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Americas Next Top Model Waxing

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It is also recommended for each region a special holiday home.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quick Time Won't Open Movies


Wow, is there this month written almost back to here and I have nothing.
What to report?
Our student is then arrived at. John. An Irish young man who is very nice, works well and is also trying to understand everything. So very pleasant. He only makes the internship because he is of all placements that make his fellow students, pressured feeling is perhaps not the right motivation. But that's his problem.

Yesterday I was the last Time with the people here. So maybe we go again Thursday to drink a pint, but yesterday we were just dancing and drinking again. Jameson and Jägermeister. I'm sort of an ambassador for international understanding. And my stomach feels, despite this mixture quite normal today. Otherwise

are next to John on Monday still appeared some other summer students. A total of four, and two German darutner. One of which is very strange. If one of the readers have to Daniel "the plague", recalls how he only female. * Brrr *

next Friday I fly to Hamburg and my internship is over. I'm looking forward it. Not that it would not have fallen here, the work was really good, Carlow is a bit boring, but you can live with that, I am happy simply to have this part behind me and the next start. And I am since July last year, almost moved five times, only increases the joy out for a few months in my old room at home to be able to live. What next we will see.

I wish you a nice next week and conclude two more pictures as they arise in passing on the work