Monday, August 3, 2009

Wii Board Compared To Bosuboard For Brain


I'm back home. For seven weeks. What can be said. It's like before I left Germany. And somehow different. It is difficult to describe. In any case, it's nice to be back home and it is good to see all the friends and family again.

learn and obviously know new people. I am currently working at the MPI in Bremen and learn new methods. One can say that in any case alone the accumulation of resources and well-educated people is very good. No matter what problems you have or what issues are raised, there is someone with an idea which one helps more. And PhD students to experience an incredible service that supports their research. As well is because they need to start selbet thus not only all the devices are all there, etc. On the other hand, some can not start containing EDTA when they make their doctor. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. I will work here until early September and finish my internship here with a week of Helgoland. 'm Curious what that is.

After that, I could probably continue working here as a student assistant, but first I have a week free and then start my last semester by B. Sc from the University of. Where I have already two jobs, one as a tutor and then again as a student assistant.

itch To be honest, there is something going on in the fingers move back. I only know nciht where. Actually, I find trips stupid, maybe it's also just about to start a new life, with its own apartment, etc. But we shall see, before next February's first anything.