Wednesday, September 29, 2010

International Colour Chart -hairdressing

& friends (almost) fan club meeting no sleep, and GOP Maybebop

So, is it really already been a while, but a bit of what I wanted to write again.

Maybebop were indeed quite a while now in the GOP "employed" and there are very often occurred only among women. Actually you can not let just missed ...
Since that was in the summer (or almost summer, which was this year so now non necessarily known for his long-time expression) gabs then fortunately attract a fan club meeting in the period and a choir practice, and if I see three things to Hanover, then yes I can not say no, right?

(smart only one hour did not!) According to a conceivable absolutely unfavorable short night's sleep in my very new and thus inaugurated a short bed, we went from the station. Completely exhausted ... What
we learn? At night again to ring out of the house to meet up with people who want to see a certain, but these are apparently too shy to say for itself ... the fact is nothing!

So it can only mean that one is at night around 2 am Ostkreuz, is picked up by two guys angetüterten, and the type to visit but then fallen asleep in his room and is no longer wake. And then it is promptly locked out with this very very happy young men. And those who know me know I can which can then also do not own ... So I then
gondola with the two at once charming shapes maximum accrual of fellows through the area between Ostkreuz and Wahrschauer road peep my nice electric scales from inside ;-) declare that I do not dance. And no, not because I feel inhibited. And no, it's not you. Uh, no ... no. And all in the rain with ner heavy bag on his shoulder ... Gentlemen what am I but when I had the bag which was too heavy. And somehow they would restrict more on wet white T-shirts, but luckily this wars always too cold.
And the question always something in the room to where the two nu kip, but where their belongings are locked up, and in general, are still able to survive alone? After being asked repeatedly, either for dancing and on the other side to my asshole mentality expand in, I then pulled it together at some point where the two left alone (and sent to dance) and will not like ne worried mother back home ... at home then as I said in another hour was time to sleep And
in mind that I vlt yet again ausm bed will go off because the men have found nothing better to sleep ... Ok, this Kam fortunately never, I had to test my asshole mentality does not come. Instead

then muuuch too soon to Hanover. Well, if you want to do in front of the meeting still ne sample the start just the way to 10th And even though Hanover is just around the corner, it is ne more as a corner here to the penny ... : - /
The plan then has to sleep at least on the train also works fine, until the moment where I had found a seat. Only in nem compartment to persuade blessed by an older gentleman who wanted to talk about his exciting time as the point man during the GDR. And he still knows how well and for about two hours. And "aha", "hm", "real?" and "that's interesting," I just can not give to me while I sleep. I have to work well even on my multitasking.
Well, that is still with only one hour of sleep in the luggage then in Hanover from Alina. The way I can now happily slow and blind ... but have ne corner is more difficult when the whole station forecourt filled with police cars, and any teaching course is ... I still wonder what they've really going on. Or whether it was just a daydream ;-)

Then finally arrived and lousy time at Alina ... Hupp, today I make the voice warm? Well luckily, thanks to plenty of other choirs I somehow to get something together gesitigen restrictions. Although I am not the warm-up and recovery exercises become truly awake. But at least you can guide in the state at least reasonably well to the bass down. :-D
Well, you can also most of a sample back then mim spend cheer bed, I think we are still progress.

This time there were then no such a big nosh-up, because after that we went so cheerfully (and fairly keen sense) from the summer meeting. And since then from a first picnic blanket ... . Kip Hach, I think I so comfortable and well I have never slept cheer floor. And that where it s whole heap of twisted minds are jumping around me ... Until someone tell me boldly with ner Frisbee or something and thrown it has aroused,-P

Well, grilling is always good reason to wake up n ;-) So I got my super and tasty alternative to the traditional picnic feasts during the trial. And because we are all so krativ and abwechlsungsreich, gabs and forever (Too) much and everyone for what. Once again, eating in the month ticked off ;-)

And then demand an impromptu "concert" from the fan club choir. Why are we the finally here? ;-) You should always be beautiful to sing together. Although I've now seen even in the photos again, when you sing you can see from silly. So in pictures. unless you do the job ... So I add this to the assertion in the room, the samples from certain precious moment even never (samples and voice warm but was for wimps ;-) right?), But only look good practice. So while singing. Well we do anyway all but appearance. Uh, ihc me ride in whatever is pure ...
So, What are you listening?
Silent Song, The Made, O valleys far and for lack of other alternatives (the Loop songs are nothing to "audition") then even a few Christmas songs quickly.

And do not ask, I was allowed to have notes in hand, because I do the months before the sample could not. What was that Hannover around the corner? ;-)
best, next to the beautiful scenery and then but not be so bad weather, however, were the neighbors. They stand to clap and cheer balcony. What do you want more if you actually sleep disorder runs ...? ;-) And besides that, we seem to have won our first fans, even if that was some really not the art which we have since dagebracht. Or do you break out after each end immediately hyterisches laugh? ;-) Well, who the exclamation "LOCATION" what it says, will understand that ...

After eating, puzzles, winners, banners, therapies, and other stuff is not treatable at some point this past meeting. It was really nice again, many thanks to all of you, you and we did fine :-) I'm looking forward to next year, which really belongs in the corner with a wonderful tradition!

The tiredness is continuing, but one can, after all, time to move in short, as if what would bring. From then at least we went in one side of the large fresh horde from the GOP. Must have looked good, but so that we act weird, we cope. Do not we know so different ...
Once I was there already, but "that time" without even artists, but with special maybebop jazzy background if I remember correctly.

Well, some taken, and unfortunately in the first half not so very extraordinary good view. The program of maybebop I already know more or less, but what about the women artists did there was not soo clearly seen, as I always could only see the top of the stage. Some have thrown around with plates
;-) But at least here Gibts nice photos of mine, because then I could understand again. So I had to first deal with cocktails in the concert called "body art" and anyway, who looked suspiciously like shredded Smurf. Well, what you do not everything ..

During the break we have changed a bit then once, allowing even those who are not in the show every day to see something. Aha, so the stage looks so fine :-)
So am I then even longer to enjoy the interactions between maybebop and the much-discussed women came. As were ridiculous actions performed with teapots (which looked great, but somehow again n bissel too stupid in any case, I would have failed) and bent again really uncomfortable. With nice background music of Maybebop. Fine :-)

And after the Verbiegefrau their glittering mirror frame gabs was down ... "Only sometimes at night"! The song from my first Maybebop concert. At that time, 4 years ago. When I was in this absolutely cute "dance" the Joe, Luke and Jan are listed in the background had to totally fall in love with them all. And the not so twisted Olli, over brushing and cleaning, but also his secret, forbidden passion, the dust is singing. And in this case, then relish in the frame as it wound and sprayed alongside neatly and cleaned. An absolute dream for me. That was really my highlight of the evening :-) class

Then There Were still the moment when Olli is at the piano and has sung all over Sebastian classic. I do not remember what it was, I knew this but I will not come to mind. I must say, there was already some way to remember that he has otherwise containing a microphone and holding not a classical opera bass or whatever is. Now and n bissel's it thin and quite something to the sound over, but still really nice. Why
any idiots in full Audience had to laugh because I constantly do not know. It may not always be all silly and comedy ... and I think it was actually the very heart and I found this action very inconsiderate and embarrassing ... But ok, maybe you have to be happy even so, that everyone clap along to 1 and 3?
very end then gabs "Even once ran" where the ladies are then thrown onto model of the guys have but at the very end natüüürlich Olli ripped the clothes from his body and he fully smeared with lipstick. Was somehow the whole evening to be expected on otherwise ;-)

can say? Really complete. Beautiful music, beautiful men beautiful ;-) Women of course, beautiful, and shall keep at all. This has really paid off. Muuuch Thanks!

Then There Were it a little "after-show party with a short cute acceptance speech of the boys, beautiful in a circle rotation (that was not even my stupid idea?) And always a one word after another, Sun the text is not as fast as cheesy, but it happens more quickly that those who tangled total and no longer comes ...)

And after that, I would say confrontation singing ...
The boys wanted to hear what our samples of effusions, but then we got really fresh new Maybebop things. Always nice ;-) alternately until they had nothing more and we will all be in a fiulminantes, shared O valleys have broken away. has
-D Where is there but wondered which one or other singers heavily on the chorus version; Not pretty, but often and loudly. Yes, Luke, who is old in the solo part is not grad exciting, thank you for Olli ... Which in turn have noticed that today he would never arrange a Chortsück way again. Well, everyone learns over time. But what makes it fun to sing anyway. Dau you wakker Gauda, you wakker dauuu you Gauda And I even get to sing Thomas n bissel. I think you should not suppress the technicians so ... Having thus
now hold thousands of birds on the way to Hawaii, the relationship between ostrich and nightingales, the meaning of life, cuddling, sex, and little hands and includes many useless things and had seen the way the modern singer, you sing today no longer notes, but each from his own laptop, that's fair light ;-) and if you need even more text, then take s iPhone, or whatever, I was able to end this pleasant evening. All were a little out of breath, and then gradually injected every home.

And after a pretty short night in Garbsen then I am with Kathy, still (or even more?) Completely exhausted, via the metronome Way to Göttingen made. If I'm already there, I could look at the new apartment and help dispel the old ....
have arrived in Gothenburg, we quickly said hello and then the roommate moving out folded out the bed. Schlaaaafen. Frequent, long, balanced. In between watching TV a bit (interesting channels have over there, it runs from morning till night apparently only one series after another, why I have no sixx?), Get up once to pasta to make with spinach and even what supervisors are to look at swimming (So at least I and others have snored ;-)). Well, soon you will really spend a whole day in bed. And since we already against 12 or were so in Göttingen, was also a long ...
had almost the end we even accidentally watched a boring movie ;-) but then I would prefer the usual way my favorite Kath talked to sleep.

The days after I got my then times, usually with dowels, primarily been sucked anchors the man (as I've now learned) really does in other walls and were therefore not intended to get out of this wall ever get out . But I did it. Even if it were to end only crumbs, the jaw is almost gone on it and my shoulder was thrilled to have this new bit of ambition. This was accompanied with so much strength, could not properly hold on for posterity. That must have been what to do with the speed of light ... Call me King of the anchor!
Then I asked a little more intense Göttingen, where white lives nu Kath and knew just how to get from there to the station and back, and anyway ;-) And then veeery soon I must go there again, because now looks so beautiful out in the apartment!

And now even more, thanks to Nicole, Mirko and Ramona (?) That I could steal the photos :-) You are heroes!


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