Saturday, April 18, 2009

Can Cooler Master Hyper 212fit In Atx


Easter is over and with it half my time here in Ireland. The work is still great, the first 120 pages of the lab book are filled and increases the number of files. Slowly I am beginning to write on my report and the final report to Toni has also slowly take shape once. But somehow I can not do it during NEN few hours of working time to dig freely. But well, maybe I can do it even once in my spare time.

'm Over Easter I went to Tramore. A nice little village on the sea, the sun was shining (which it usually at the weekend, heir somehow) and I have made a long beach walk.

Otherwise, I have received at Easter, what, no, no chocolate, a new roommate, Moses, 32 years old and from Kenya. He makes his PhD here in Oakpark. Very nice, somewhat quiet, but maybe that will change too yet.

Everything else here is as it was, therefore, very unspectacular.
I just read a book on biotechnology. The book itself is quite good, vo technical ago and also deals with something around it, ie patents, GMP, the bases and also with the Zukunftsausichten. But the author is quite arrogant.

section "Bioethics in Plant Genetic Engineering"
"... But unfortunately, public debate on the benefits and risks of plant biotechnology suffers a large number of unexpected objections mainly because of the misinformation, misunderstanding, and manipulative analysis of the data of surveys. But it appears that it is a short phenomenon and as time passes, with the support of new convincing evidence safety and efficiency and at the same time the complete absence of evidence that shows the contrary, more and more consumers will accept GM foods and crops "

Well, he's right, all others do not.
We shall see.

I . wish you a nice weekend


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