Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bridal Wear Maroon Silver

Something in between current

I have actually even Hanover and then reworked again Dortmund, and a video for UNICANT from Göttingen, and cut at all.
But, like maybe have noticed one or the other, it is incredibly warm. Since the brain bruzelt so, and I come to nüscht.

hats in my room despite Dauerlüfterei komlpett and a train through our whole apartment still mostly at the 34-35 degrees, so sleeping is not much lately.
If you look at but can not nest every night of friendly people in old buildings, then you have to dodge new.
I test grad:
my balcony :-)

addition to all the great features, positive side effect, I have to sleep again in my non-broken bed ;-)
And the heat utility compartments and water spray are also grad nich so urgently needed . Lovely!

Good night to you all ;-)


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