Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Do You Know A Scorpio Man Is Attracted To You


Since I am now only about n month later at the right letter, I realize how good grad extremely random points! An extremely pretty much me, so yes I'd otherwise do not remember!

In October, the telecom-colored a cappella Alliance has once again organized nights ( magenta, and I really like to know who plays the ugly little man has come up ...)

The one positive point muSix are, the other positive , Intrmzzo too. I always wanted namely ever broadcast.
The one negative point, that's all is strong in the south, and the second, on the dates I can find the third group Six Pack, I could still inspire non so real ( watch) ...

Well, yes, but there was still some what it said as much times have to be there:

  1. The web pays tribute once again the Day of German Unity and I can then quickly thanks Mehrfachbucherei night for 20 € to Bamberg and for 20 and drive back. For civil time, by, and in general ... Although I'd even
  2. ne couch found, but it is also more convenient and still nothing. Thank you! :-)
  3. for fun "competitions" to participate is fast ne ticket for free.
Sun, so it was quite as much cheaper than ever, the SPO-thing ;-)

So then I jet of a beautiful 10th October to Bamberg. Super prepared as I am, I copied the address of the whole of the muSix page and I bought a good directions. And then the whole again, despite the comical road signs (for those who stuck to your coming back to the house walls?) Found, reached the theater ... and nothing is.
wrong theater. Here is Oscar Wilde?
So, as my time is running out, however, I run around slightly panicked about the whole thing and looking for people that seem competent. And the fact there is behind a whole bunch of people who happily cars loaded with banners and musical instrument. Expert's nothing ...
Unfortunately, the only non-bearing and therefore distracted man a gentleman in a suit and a cell phone, so very important. But anyway, time is short.
accosted quick.
Is this the theater anyway?
Should not be a cappella?
Ahaaa ...
help, where is it?
Well, so this is probably a whole other theater hall thing (as I come to this place because, hm, hm, no Idea!), But he also needs the same way. Whether he will take me ...

child, never rise to strange men in cars!

Yes, of course, can go go! We did not have time so ...
So from the post of Bamberg. We briefly clarify that I am non-take the course anywhere, only in Bavaria Berlin halt ;-) have no orientation and that he is somehow connected with the Bremen Symphony. How do I know way, but it was important.
important So, I stop him at the end did not have to be discontinued in the backstage area, but then but then please drann by the box office to steer. And his offer with the free ticket could also reject it, had, whatever ... And, one would have One of the two can be non-sale still? Then the trip would have been worth even more ;-)
Well, after some cheerful at the Abendkasserumstehens, which I had fortunately not entirely complete alone, thank you! ;-) For as the ticket printer was then broken at one time (I do not know yet somehow the ausm BKA?) Had to manually assign seats and tickets will be very pretty painted himself ... ahem, yes. Buy it crashed then also dMmddV (rightly so?) To bring a halt to the full stop, but I think he has done it not ...

any case, I then landed safely and in time but in the hall. Middle, middle, middle. And around me more like no one. Before me five places were free, and the right of me and for quite a nice gap. But phew, someone comes from the left. Nevertheless, I feel very präsentiertellerig ....
And then it is also still going on with Six Pack . So if I do not like, do not look too bad! This, unfortunately, so sometimes I have my problems ... Well, you is not supposed to paint like the devil on the wall, so I wait for things to come here and ask me a bit what they've actually with all the toys on the stage before even the ... First
be specified with the sounds of beer bottles from a waiting box, but there are slight associations with the glass Blas Sing Quintett high
;-) And there you go. With a farewell song. Good idea, as there already handed me actually. Ne quite flat ones presence on stage, somehow the right notes, but still not really convincing, and at first because I have no votes in any way that I would find fascinating or at least great. In addition, the men waving their friends and parents (or whomever?) In the audience. Hm .. necessary? So as I'm concerned they can go again. Unfortunately, that was probably not the plan and move on.
There are yodelling (I've even heard of Bayern Not much better), pretty slow Geschuhplattel (or however always) and a rather exhausting "highway to hell". Somehow, because now and then maybe some nice ideas n at, but nothing that would tear me from the stool, it is rather boring. Although most of the audience lacks total and apparently finds the perfect fulfillment (a lady in front of me trying to start at least five times ne Mexican wave, but fails miserably. Well quite a while It took until I interpret their comic acrobatic exercises than just this could ...). Apart from holding me and the two types are sitting at some point further away next to me. The one sitting next to his bored wife and looking at me with pity, the other is probably as stupid sleep of ner newspaper and should take pictures, But nearly a ... In "Hijo de la luna" in the opera he wakes up but then blend again. Because you can not sleep so good at ;-) The idea is nice, and the guy also sings quite well because somehow in these female heights, but for my ears it sounds. Funny, at first, but if the joke is then eaten after n few bars, then nothing else remains, but the song is still on for about five minutes. And that is where the problem of the whole. For music, there is not enough. The most "funny" stuff from Stefan Raar, eg, one can not really even listen. And mostly it is unfortunately also not even funny in the idea. We come to that is, for example, "Without you I can sleep tonight not one ... "Or whatever it says. Münchner Freiheit (?) There was but Who's who said every a cappella group would sound like. Hmmmmm! In any case, is that then for me the total end, I'm dying slowly on my Präsentiertellerplatz me to her, and Bayern raced around me almost. Creepy! They are almost gospel-religious moments around me.
Toppen can only be the announcement from the stage that some in the audience do not seem to have enough fun then go down to the one guy in the chair makes. I think about what I am doing already feverishly, without hypocrisy fun but embarrass even without the band totally ... but who then goes nice as to whom, the not quite as extreme as I looked listless (puuuh! happiness for all), because the read itself still encourage to sing along, may have been overlooked but I was not really ... Well yes, it is finally over. Whew!
During the break I had even a brief conversation with the Lord on my left, who has sat so unimpressed next to his girlfriend. I gave him a promise that it will be better after the break, because he was seriously concerned for his and my evening ...
Well, it may just not like you everything. But after I looked at my grad sometimes their website .. it is not really better! Apart from that I totally cluttered and disorganized think of which maintained
distinguished tuxedo-and-cylinder
troops that they were not comparable to talking about there? In the still quite a few groups that I've seen such in my life (I have to go once again count) precious few in evening dress were there, and I think I've cylinder has never been seen on stage (except earlier in the circus). But

peculiar men singing
yes, they are right then ;-) And I see grad that are New Year's Eve on the Aida. My luck that I am at home there again. Oh my God. Think of the times before!

Well, In a little break after then were muSix drann. The announcement of Mr. Peter Jacob Martin were not rushing so hard before, but here he had the first really well. Talked about Berlin, Graz and Sendenhorst and you could see it as a success. Then he had to but still easily accommodate the kind of the male voice choir from East Berlin. Hmm ... That would have to be non!
Either way, many people can not change it ;-), then went off with "Pure Shores" and I was hard done to by the enthusiastic, almost breathless silence around me. People thought it was great! And from what I experienced so as to advance Krams did, I would like to believe in good and total taste aberrations in Bamberg!
In "Let Me Entertain You" has been created around me even a real Patrick fan club, which already could no longer contain himself, so enthusiastic were those of his Beatboxerei. I find quite good :-)
was then dissed on stage again happily, with André has adopted this time then the same for references to his age from the stage. Well, how was that with the supervision and group therapy? ;-) If the holiday gang but also helped ... Then there
namely extra for the 80 dMmddV Medley. Sometimes I ask myself since then, already, like Till his "victim" chooses ... should achieve at least a small one bit rates but be inside, right? ;-) And the seats were not as dependent now times soo far apart. Well, so it ended up in a happy and forth gequetsche, what then, not every time for its application with the lady of his heart and certainly not encouraging way was able to overcome the stage. According to some Turkish and South African tours vuvuzela there was "Batallion d'Amour" was surprisingly knew many people around me, and all listened attentively beautiful. What then finally re ne beautiful silence after the song went with it, and not this horrible hell-bent on immediate Zerklatschen. Still have
I then asked me as a repeated time whether one or the other gentleman on stage, perhaps not so well rested completely. Was not particularly bad or noticeable, but for the slightly more experienced observer ;-) but there are some little carelessness in motion or Tonabläufen noticed that all but still have a great concert can be, but not necessarily the best thing the guys have ever offered.
But the poor Bamberger had been so excited already quite different, and were so totally thrilled to be quite wonderful to me have been around for Patrick's beatbox solo ripped open their mouths in droves, and once again there was heard from various corners, that surely does not it all could do alone. Fortunately, the expert is just around the corner and then the people can stand in the break, with advice, assistance and advertising support. I must say that I'm really very happy:-D
My statement was not in the band to be with me but somehow never thought really, I'm especially when I still moved with a come crawling Till to another place. Well, yes. Well, they found it so anyway.

After that I went with Intrmzzo . I wanted to see every now and already I'm beginning to think I already mentioned ;-) absurd from Holland, and a toilet brush would be used, all I knew.
At first it was, unfortunately, some Sound problems, there was always a voice path, a micro too loud and somehow all a bit overloaded. I had already ensured that this would remain the rest of the show now so (because that there are some problems since I was already prepared for it) but fortunately it was the man on the sound but still a show and everything has again stabilized. At least for my ears.
"Hi we are from Holland Intrmzzo" Yes, that sentence was then heard more often for quite a round that the Dutch like to play on his accent, we know, yes. But somehow it's just too cute and every time they wrap a so immediately around her finger. Pretty nasty thing we have this on the instruments used information, in addition to the (rosanen!) toilet brush I was then a mini beehive, a golden egg, and a swallowed turntable presented. yes, something not everyone has.
But even a sing-along song that will always manage to order a turn before the sing-along part makes it so that the audience for ever in vain hopes that not everyone can . What not everyone can be serious in the district want and then another thrash with colorful plastic tubes something of the skull, are helmeted to happiness. Sun nobody notices what sounds hollow and all come out hopefully, relatively unscathed from the whole thing. With the course but also explain one or another absurd idea could. But because one can imagine that hard, here's a photo from the website (and the address of the photographer, I hope I have correctly understood the Dutch statement: www.lindavdbroek.com ) And what you see then you can not , all sounds quite good too! A cappella is it not more. And no matter what some vocal pop ;-) gentler minds to think .... was
Then there were the music for the patrons (which luckily, I now finally filled this gap and have seen the movies where I play the music so of course your already knew). Aesthetically, they have very valuable with the fingers on their lips rumvibriert. To those of its neighbors. Yummy! Hopefully there will be held before the concert a proper handwashing orgy. That they each other could have very much to be tied by small advances within me (Three times a lady, Lionel Richie, very beautiful, man to man ..) There is then in turn slight communication problems with the audience. Thus came Clemens (who was then at the end of the centennial greeting "hello, we are Intrmzzo from ..." but still came out as a German and suddenly lost his accent), for example, does not really his Beatboxerei, simply because the audience clapping to began and it somehow does not "speak" has had to come. Although he was after the concert because it has expressed more than confused, as he finally say what is not large and has skillfully and quite charming then dissolved so that it then but could still show what he's got. And that's what. In particular, the record player in his belly ;-) A similar problem there was, as one in the audience could not stop laughing partout and caused so in return on stage had a slight fit of laughter, then what did lead to some delays and general amusement added. I've also not seen when then bring the gentlemen (and ladies) on stage but mostly (and sometimes seemingly very happy) rather against each other in such oppressive situations ...

Well, what can be said to be there finally? Vocally was not perfect for my taste, but it was absolutely pleasant. The four had a pretty strong presence, you go to them almost at the faces, which is also quite important, for there is from a whole lot (by my new, but more lateral space I had to tell me because then leave in a few places on Till's Dolmetscherei because I was able to see so inclined, unfortunately not everything, but also because it makes what ;-)). Sometimes the whole thing was then still very below the belt. I'm agree with me because somehow it yourself, if that was too much. Maybe it was all still in the frame, as long it first looks. I do not know how funny (and yes even the first time somehow very predictable), I would find the thing with the female Eskimos so ... (And I'll tell now even non * g *)
Quite sweet and a further point in the absolutely lovely corner was then the action that the whole audience had to sing a serenade / was allowed and was filmed from the stage, because the a son, husband and dad's birthday was indeed rather far away from home. That's even a nice gift. If it does not occur every year ...
So, you can definitely look at. One just needs but also more than "just" want to have music, that is pretty much absurd and accessories one or the other harsh joke. And yes, I've only seen roughly a third of all theater ... Once I would then also have been completely "hurt" they may like to come to Berlin!

So, now one more thing from PMJs Moderator magic box. Because if you do a competition, you get e-mails with stories of people. The determined but do not expect that to be in the hall told ...
He tells of the woman, the last time with her boyfriend was there. Boyfriend. Now she is back, and would love to hear men are pigs. Well, where is she? Whether her ex-boyfriend would be too ... they do not know then. And the reports are not natural.
Then he asks for the woman who wanted to make sure Laolawellen for Six Pack. Well, it has been sitting diagonally in front of me, I noticed habs.

Well, sooner or later then this is an end and with it the whole concert. Lovely. By growing but beautiful.
And since both Peter, and Martin and Jacob can not get enough, yet, we go to a little later celebration of their rooms. And indeed, each of which own bed. Successful managers should be one ;-) But there are other qualities. Namely, most recently, I can whistle with my fist (you know what I mean) and that means you flays in a quiet moment at a time rather impression and then has NEN heap men sit around, you want to learn. Man ... If I had known earlier times!
When she got through Witzebeauftragtem Christian the different bed types were made and suddenly the question in space, whether one can highly sleep in a bunk bed at all, or whether lie flat because it is easier, we have then it crumbled slowly and deals with life showering guests . After all, it meant the other bring me much at 9 clock departure.

As my train shortly after 12 but was then the food I've used and with the manager and the intern ;-) NEM at second breakfast n bissel geschindet time and talk shop. Then I can bring me to the station and there, then realized that I had too few books, because suddenly it was empty, and, since then over, thanks to the German railway train style but that does not.
But this time you can make good use, because apparently you can see me at my web experience. So I then got a serious businessman taken under my wing and told him works as a ticket, as I go on a train and what the conductor does everything Sun Ok, not all of it, but a lot. And much more. For example, a cappella groups on important (and even on demand). And what beatboxing is really (he said the World Cup to have even looked at). His son would now namely . Learn
For the Lord, I then got safely to his place taken, showed where the power is and how the network operates on the train (on the muSix side has first then managed on their own * g *)
sitting down to write these key points schlaaaaafen here. hach nice :-)
wars in Berlin then pack only my new friend in a taxi and go home. Video ago has still waiting ;-) is


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