Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Images How To Make A Horse Shaped Piniata

Musix, SPO and Co in the Admiralspalast

Well actually today the 20th ;-) Since October
Ner some while, I finally sat back on the train near a power outlet. And because the station wants to make friends in Leipzig apparently closer to the train I used as ne whole Corner more time. So, I can once again write about.

After the concert maybebop and muSix in Aegi yes as I said we went the next day right back to Berlin, n hour nap, from the swimming pool annoy, children and then on to Annika Admiral Palace meet.
Because not all children were there to take their documents and stuff from the competition with, I had the great pleasure of two trophies to haul around. And what I learn? This is the perfect flirt material. Suddenly chatting to a good many (good-looking!) Men who want to know where we won because there added. let
And even after explanations not now and want to know when they have a time to meet in the hall. Hm ... ;-) are worse things than apparently is the usual whistling construction sites clientele of such property rather discouraged and you will get from just nice athlete. Remember!

Well one day I was at Admiral Palace, Annika found and clean with us.
Thanks to the seemingly not really competent phone consulting the Admiral Palace we were sitting really beautiful, decorative in the front row center. Because of the stage would not be increased, and the other places you would see that bad because the location does not increase. Well, who should already be able to see the orchestra completely ;-) and I have liked very much the moderator right under their nose ... but no matter. After all, the seats were still cheaper than others and it was so expensive enough.
What was "it" anyway? In recent years gabs every now and then the "Event " muSix and Symphonic Pop Orchestra , which indeed sounds somewhat promising. But that was always nice somewhere cheer Acker Trebbin where I'd got there somehow, perhaps by train and bus , but in a dream not come back ... And nu So finally at my doorstep. Do I have time so contemplation, the whole thing. Especially after I by small videos Till and André as Bohemian Rhapsody sing with an orchestra made hot ;-) was
And some little horror stories from the Kramskiste of the event later, I wanted to at least even know what that nu is, if I have the chance.
So, I was nu there. And how's it ? By growing ...
few small highlights I wish to illuminate times. It is as processing therapy
;-) It is equal to go with the " moderator. A not so young lady in a somewhat exaggerated Glitter suit entered the stages. Right was able to convince them not already. One need not emphasize how much you look forward to a hundred times that in the room but not as empty as they thought and how grateful to the guests is for coming. This is a bit much acts fawning ... And vlt somehow like NEM nativity scene in the church. Was certainly with us fürher Sun. "Thank you ever come back the same oblique chanting look at your children ... Well yes, but to increase it stood during the night a few times on the stage read, not only maps but also to sing. Hm. Sometimes she can convince a few, and sometimes even less. In any event, what concerns me.
that area there, for example, what in the musical Lion King (the title is me degrees course not) And I like this song very much. You hats not necessarily wrong sung, but had always, as if to imitate someone, and it looked like a caricature of a Musical singer, certainly not what she intended. But pinch schmaltzy eyes, hands and stretch out at his heart I somehow did not grasp. As the music goes on to actually completely. Annika appeared to my right to see the same ;-) but sometimes it is wonderful when you can easily switch only eloquent glances.
But that was more wonderful, because even if "Wuthering Heights " sung in the original so when my lady was too much. Just worked too well to the cartoon comment we had found for us. Since then I had to pull together really hard not to get directly in front of their feet a laughing fit. This represents just so not my taste in music and singing. And since I of the piece as a beautiful version of Vocal Line know from the very is somehow kieksig sung, but without so exaggerated to act silly and like a cheap copy, wars from there with my relationship with the lady.
The dress then what they had in the second half was kind of a logical consequence of the first Outfitter. Something like one has determined desired times as a little girl. Salmon, from top to bottom with Glitter , easily cut too deeply, with attached Flügelärmchen and easily accessible from all a bit too much and too much of a good time. Breathtaking! Pity that we have no camera had it ... This
gabs then as a solo or with Stefan of muSix . It languishes in the middle of the stage in theatrical, and he just looks as if he would rather hide hintermVorhang, very much on the edge (or even behind it anyway) and always if it does sometimes with open eyes in his direction watched, then he looks transfigured to her, but then quickly back the curtain to sing . That was very amusing to watch. And I think you do not need me to say whose idea was the whole ;-) Otherwise you will end to the lady to say is that the addition was sung almost only by their very significant. And since, as you can imagine, is one of the two people behind the whole thing, the whole show seemed then but as if she has rounded up people in order to fulfill a childhood dream, finally in Glitter Dress all admired on stage.
Since we have not missed as I said myself to take pictures, you can see for example, views here to do the gown in its full glory ;-)
all sounds pretty mean, but I think we were just simple common to any artistic wavelength ... But it ne fun it myself. " I would prefer it not only half of the stage lights sat. But they have noticed is nothing like this because I'd do something completely different have to pass through their easy displacement
;-) Here you can by the way n bissel what you hear from (and generally the whole ) I tell me nothing to the debate, but that she has also sung in such ;-)

So now that I now again sitting in a train with a working power I can devote myself to it because what else was Sun not only this lady was there ;-)
There was also still the orchestra. Of course not the Philharmonic. But they have to not be. I find their jobs have already done quite well, has made in all cases of fun to listen to. Although not all completely my case was the music selection was varied and quite entertaining. Film Music, Musicals, series truck (we think anyway?), Rock, Pop and even the odd classical touch. And all presented in any case with any contagious joy. But most wars
always with singing " repainting. And so we come to muSix part. Nen some have even disputed alone and with things from their current program. This has of course, quite a lot of fun. But more interesting were then for my taste with the things holding the orchestra. Went wrong with " Dreadlock Holiday . In a cappella I knew this already from Voice Male (which I liked) but this had also quite something. And somehow I find it fits the very simple well with Patrick's voice. Fing So superfine relaxed in what you want.
What Was gabs yet? Bohemian Rhapsody . so now I have seen partially on the website and was quite excited on it. And just for that it was worth it, I think. If so simply makes a great piece. And even if ego again lately could often hear from maybebop (and for me that is the inviolable a cappella version of the whole, brilliant!), So wars again ne whole corner. .. more. Just totally class. And even if Till and André have so totally different voices, I think they complemented each other wonderfully, and everyone had a part that suits him great. I was almost blown away. Although at the beginning of my ears somehow what else was modulated non quite right that has been fast and then hats just yet rocked . Will I have back!
Here you can listen the way, once (and watch, even wenns already what her is ):
(In Media, and there are enough then for Examples of other stuff ;-) But when our Queen of Hearts has since, unfortunately, a different dress)
that I am too general for the voice of André have very know one or the other. And I am the evening will also come across well at my expense. Because then gabs (announced skillfully ...) still pretty much orchestra with solo André . Although I must say though, that he of has done so half-considered below but n bissel emaciated. I have to leave me but non say that I'm too thin,-P But ok, that's what not know. Simply return ne class thing, really great voice, and Krichy again blown away. And even if it for my taste in "Music what my first love " instrumental part in something, I do not know braced ... has worked, it was extremely nice :-)

Otherwise, there were a few other singers. Some were really hard on the pain threshold, for example, the two ladies from the beginning. One of the micro had, and her partner screamed horrible and it unfortunately made very few notes ... sang

Then there was the master of the " When you say nothing at all". That was basically time is not so bad, had a passable voice and her intonation of the that was fine, but the broadcasting of a blank sheet of paper. The mine has somehow been sorry . So the man was not a stage ... He should perhaps put in a studio and then when he flatly enough has orchestral accompaniment at, then he can have something for our varied contribute pop industry ...
Among the dancers I can not say much, I'm not so general as to have. But it was ego then quite good to watch . Although the four other apparently not all the same fun in the matter seemed to have, as one has yet worked ne whole corner strained than the rest, but with the right musical background I could look at me quite well. Was also good that it was more non ;-)
Oh, and then gave It also has the Lord in Glitzerjackett that looked as if Michael Marianne would have lost (or whatever the name of the two). Popschlagerndes Musikantenstadl , jammed easily. No, something I do not need.
That then in between theater still had to be played (with one or the other dancing and singing in between), hm. Had to be so, because the musical evening "fail" on the next day, yes, but had since I'd do without on it. Despite, or because grade?, Participation of young children was all pretty cheesy. In Feenkostümen the world race end People who have Peter Pan to do something and being chased by the devil and his little side Geier Geiger.
Took me a bit reminiscent of ne children's ballet show. If, later, as my own little child makes proud ;-) but I'd be there so I do not pay almost 50 € for ...
And now time to come to NEM end, which is the biggest problem. Been doing the whole thing was funny and cute, yes. And for my special muSix moments like what I pay, too, but for this " Gesamtkunsterk " it was a bit brash at times take such a high entrance fee, because somehow had yet more of cobbled together suburban variety, not only because of the lack professionalism (and I may even actually always happy when non-on stage clarified to is therefore very ...), what you see Staring is because the place has to offer and not one anyway on stage knows them all personally. And it is indeed nix wrong, but it will cost maybe 10 euro please. I may have from time to time concerts are spoiled by the price of a cappella , but also because it is distinguishing. And also the most expensive, with the criteria whatsoever, best groups was cheaper. And that's something of a lot more ears and eyes, was the need to say no more.


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