Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Does Kaiser Cover Abortion

November trip in Saxony & Co

As we went even further.

the moment I'm still in Ilmenau and we have arrived at High Five .
Which I had already seen a few times and I do believe also described. United changed drann is nothing. Was quite nice, once again, the audience was enthusiastic.
five guys that definitely have fun at what they do. And it is also entertaining, fun zuzugucken makes them, but for me it is nothing more when I "have ever seen. There is then little spontaneous in and for me to discover anything new. And it is based on the text containing a lot of wit, which is really good now and then, but I then often something you jüngelchenmäßig. And especially when the punch lines are known, it has even less appeal for me because I "music still not very interesting find. Wise Guys as a model, it sounds like at least (which is not necessarily a bad thing has to be ;-), but just not suits my taste in music). And now, yes, for the Boygroupzielgruppe of these guys I'm maybe just too old when I jump on no probe. Oh man ... I'm old! Did I say grad?
has fallen pretty good to me but as the song about the Lord of the dance is not easy. Although nothing new (my favorite is still pitch pipes "Dancing Bear"), but somehow in a new guise. And especially since it is after all to give all the time with Rumgespringe and choreography much trouble ... ;-)
was the end, it still something I did not know. A song about the "Acappelllypse" (whatever you would write). Its idea actually quite nice (if you want to write a funny song), but somehow I felt as much show moderate to much fanfare and too little musical joke at. But n bissel Feast for the eyes in the direction may indeed be sometimes very nice system, even if limit my eyes at concerts and prefer something only perceive the subtle nuances and lovely ;-) feast for my ears ...

After the second break (Traubenzuckerlollis! now also known as "performance-lollipop "...) we went on with dialect. To which I am so very happy. Did they even allowed to see the open air festival in Dortmund and then somehow never made it because its not here just wanted to come around ;-)
As I said, I like very much. In addition to the whole stuff one can explain in some way (can sing well, sing good songs, doing great things on the stage ;-)) There is always still a little thing that can not be explained really. A few groups differs from the other. For there are many good groups, but still containing some n, which I find not only good, but have done it, I usually grin sheepishly at the concert to sit around and most especially at the end of notice because it was too fast and not over Second, I have a somewhat painful face
;-) Well, this "certain something" that have dialect (along with, for example muSix and maybebop , if not who should be noticed; -) Huch, it has something to do with the "M"?).
And then a little bit to get to the unexplained parts. Once again we are five men sympathetic to the stage. They all sing pretty well. And a bass with a hat, what more could I want? ;-) Anyway, the voices are all very pleasant, warm sound and what beautiful together, none kiekste out funny or do any other drown.
And they sing good music. No own stuff (at least as far as I can tell), but in good arrangements. For example, the song about the monkey breaks out of the laboratory and by car driving through the city (of Feist , guck ) where I then hammer out gloriously again have to film quite wonderful, but of course had one too many times you push "record", and now have a beautiful memory of the applause ;-). As I said, originally by Feist is, therefore, the fact that I do not attribute the text and the melody and then let dialect. But like the song then still so wonderful "chill", -) comes over, that for you. And I find very very good. Only times as an example. Or the song of the lonely hero "bed Man" (which I would like to exchange views ...), half man and half bed. As I nachgeguckt of " Olli Schulz [Marie and the dog?] " guck . A fine song, even finer by dialect.
Yes, and otherwise they can make fine jazzy stuff, moderation which I also find it more awesome if I know them already, because they just do not but are the same and at the end they sing about Berlin and have me anyway back in the pocket.

Yes, and it was then for Ilmenau almost the peak and even the end. Finally, all again beautifully sang together and in between was the horrible Fii on the stage. I've really never seen so many people leave the room. And those who remained, who were mostly schmerzverzehrt the ears held shut. No, that must not be real. If yes for whatever reason, the moderator of the whole thing. And then he gets baked not know. Announcements that everyone had from the program can read, without without any timing and otherwise ... everything.
And then stop nor his program ... I do not know. We settle down for about three octaves and can then roar into the microphone, which we all can. And yes, so we can probably do all in your stomach hurt. I do not know what it will be great ...
So he prefers home quickly in our house.
A cappella party ;-) drink tea and cake feed ... Note also the forbidden game of chance! Poker chips are here, because luckily, there Munchkin one can, after a strong but very impressive evening quickly throw curses and mental illness, kill some monsters and get away with treasure, after having betrayed his friends. Juhu ;-)

So, the next day we drove as slowly as possible to Chemnitz, because we wanted the evening to Bodo Wartke. Stupid way the whole day was so full of rain that we in anyway I do not believe such an exciting place to do less would have known. But after we arrived but then at some point and despite the best efforts, combined with diversions and general heavy construction activity in Chemnitz, then also stopped at some point had to drive there in a circle ... well, at least we have found that as many as was Sunday opening. fine! So, shopping center looking for, from the dry and warm and then spent the time wisely. What have I ever used ...? New Christmas ball earrings, thousands of hats and whatnot. But at least Silke had then I think at the end of n new rock, Sandra and Susie ne new jacket and I ne new fleece jacket. Lovely! Good thing there are Chemnitz!
After these important purchases were done, we have looked at us really fast still a tremendously impressive confetti fireworks display with Laser show. Uh, yes, or something in Art of the total explosive power of this event is somehow gone past us, but the Chemnitz were thrilled ...
And then finally threw sometime "late" are stored, the purchases and we met two stragglers at Bodo . "I think therefore I sing" (For example here with) Have I had not heard for a long time. Was nice to see this again. Even though I soo tired was that I would be in the "monument" eingepennt really fast.
was between, there are also a few good impressions of the new program, for example, here:
has certainly paid off really look at us again Bodo :-) He is, as always, groovy, fun, spontaneous and always comes across again and unexpected around the corner. Although I am now disturbed but now and then something more to his vocal limits, it is definitely not a singer nunmal, but watch I hold in my writing but more than cabaret at the good music and then stop .. well, himself maintains. With heart and passion ;-) but sometimes in certain nerve border to my ears.

Next they were fixed and tired after Dresden. Ready for the next day or so then prepared for the noodles in Riesa
:-) Then I'll come when I will soon have all the beautiful noodle quality pictures ...


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