Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Roccaforte Pelicula Online

a cappella noodles

So, we come to the last part of the journey through Saxony and his Vorbundesländer ;-)

order to exhaust the nickname that is still enough of us there we have aufbegeben where they come from small pasta.
There, where one has a giant laid to sleep.
to where a young Kuchenmagd the king what to cook and nothing except flour and eggs at his disposal. Or something like that ...
To where our basic food comes from. This one has only sprinkle with spinach, cheese and garlic, and almost all care is going on ... after Riesa!
To learn all I ever wanted to know about pasta and would rather never know.
Indeed, there are long-and short goods, the poor pasta die until the heat death and then they are almost frozen, most of the time they hang upside down (that are not bad will) and be dragged through the area or recklessly on tapes back and forth pushed. What a noodle life ...
And then carelessly thrown into plastic bags. And sent into the distance. After all, not alone but with many noodle friends. So there is still hope that they go and then later in the supermarket always a few people to talk. Nonsense-containing pasta.

Since you are not in the top-secret factory was allowed to photograph, we had so we make do in our wonderful (determined antiseptic) robes to take pictures. Most of all we would do so from the parts never get out! And even when Umschaun in the deep secret Nudelwerberei we were able to hold on to happiness our incredible beauty. If we already have all the times are like-minded noodles ... Even in survival were the size there. Simply unbelievable! So much fun for little money ... schalalala!

But, there is even a three-class system. Not all pasta is good enough, but as I learned to have is my wallet (yes, that is) not even for the low cost segment of Riesa good enough. Let because of the colorful children's pasta and all the other stuff you can buy there.
Good thing there are also giveaways. That was our dinner that night but then backed up and through creativity and love of adventure and our great cooking team (one schnibbelt, one comes around and I seasoning) then we could eat 5ielitys song also matches the traffic light. Wonderfully ...

Am, next day we went on a leisurely walk through Dresden. The sun was extra nice, contains no comparison with that in Chemnitz. And Dresden has again proven to be totally cute patch (even if the Spätis have since not really late at night, and it is difficult can be a bread raise ...). As I go but always like to visit my other band :-) And as we also had someone there is not permanent and glide back to Dresden gabs again full blast culture and everything Dresden has to offer in attractions. I think, anyway.

evening we went to Cadence. I have it before even managed to pick their own concert and I almost get lost when I'm not ;-) From official secondary citizens?
Last year, almost the same spot same wave, we had also been a concert and I have indeed been what has been written to. The would be .
Although it is not was exactly the same, but was much like that. And my opinion of there is still the same. Although there certainly may be that the whole is more jazzy become. In any case, this is the case with the new album.

was then still a ostiges birthday brunch, that was exciting for me Wessi child. What we did not have everything! Exciting, exciting ... and you could even eat almost anything ;-)

sodium carbonate, then came the journey went further to the east, which I've already talked by now ;-) and the following is more to the north. London. A cappella Festival! Tomorrow we go! I am prepared and the hand luggage is now packed, I'm just too to my two girls, it is that the day after tomorrow we woke early and determined total traipse aufn airport ...


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