Monday, December 22, 2008

How To Play Zune In Mazda 3

and Merry X-mas

Hello dear friends,

I am leaving New Zealand in NEN few hours and flying to the Los Angeles / Frankfurt / Bremen 37 hours and I'm beautiful the way and then at 14:30 in Bremen.

I wish you a Merry Christmas.
We may look at the family parties, in Schmidt's or schools Ettinger.

And if not I wish you has already a good start ...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Arabic Sympathy Ecards

North Island, climb relaxation

Ina and I are touring the North Island. And instead of rushing us from sight to sight, we are quite relaxed and run through the area, ride my bike (the cheapest form of transport) and thus make what others make a stop-stop for a day trip. But it's all very fun and tiring at the end and we know what you did and can then aquf very proud of his great and relaxing. Yesterday we
have taken such a long hike to get to a hot spring where we went swimming then. Others have come in short, went into the water and were back within 15 minutes away. We are slowly after two hours of time running to the bus. And similarly, we do well tomorrow. 20km bike ride a lot of us the "Hidden Valley" look at, with caves and geysers and thermal activity and then stop back by bicycle. If the weather participated.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dr. Arvind Poswal Vspathuri Madhu


After I went on Monday from Queenstown to Dunedin, I have met Dietmar Zachaias, one of my professors from Germany. Very funny and somehow a bit surreal to meet you at the other end of the world. We were nice to eat and have the impressions of this foreign culture, which ours is yet similar, but completely in some things and some very important things different. It was seen in all cases to a familiar face and very nice to hear news from home.

The next day I flew to Auckland. And in this country I always Reisepas the aliens when I want to NEN club / bar, as I am then just stop times be flown 2000km without even asking for an ID. But I wanted to buy alcohol.

In Auckland, I met with Ina and now sleep on her couch. Today, we have copied a Auckland and drove to Devonport. Very nice, but the funniest are her roommate, totally cute and I also have been called quasi gelcih welcome. Very nice.

morning we pull together, then release (that Ina and I) to us a week to look at the North Island.

I let hear from me again.

oh and I watch you the pictures in the previous post to

Sample Letters Requesting Donation For Church

mixed images

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Non Reporting End Of Probation

mountains and LOTR-Schauplaetze

The last two days I've climbed a mountain (1750 m above zero) ...
and I was thinking all the time: "Why do I do this to me, why I do this to me ,..." But then you're suddenly over the tree line, then you're suddenly over the snow line and then you are on the top and see the whole valley, the Southern Alps and everything around it, totally good.

... and drove a jeep through the area and had a look around, learn a lot about the history of the area and various movie scenes from "Lord of the Rings," "Narnia" and "Wolverine" looked at.

therefore completely tourist stuff, but very relaxed and pleasant. It was
wiedermal sunny all the time ... and I'm afraid I'll brown.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Still Killing Us Softly Iii, Jill Kilbourne


After I had a very sunny day in scho ennen Fox, even though I could see the glacier, since once a road was flooded, I'm now down to Queenstown yesterday. The night had started it to rain and it did not even aufgehoert until we were over the mountains. 300mm of rain in the night, rising. That was very impressive. The river, which was the day before or one meter wide, was now 12 meters wide and dirty gray. From the surrounding mountains waterfalls flowed everywhere, and now I know why the road next to a really deep ditch, and at irregular intervals through a pipe under the road leads through which a person could crawl. I'm about a 700m long bridge and down below was nothing but water. We are driven along the river, from the spot where it flows into the Tasman Sea to the point where he made three small streams in the Mountain Range. Total well.

And now I'm in Queenstwon, the fun city in New Zealand. Everywhere is advertising for things I would do in any case. Jumping out of the plane, or from a building that can grind over a lake ...
I will instead climb a mountain tomorrow.

I am somewhat annoyed enough'm constantly in and unpack my things again, I have decided to stay four nights in one place. This was rewarded by that I share my room now until Monday with five Americans, all so 19-20 years old and armed with a bag full of liquor bottles from the duty-free shop. Yesterday it went, apart from the looks of the room as if a bomb hit, but they were drunk faster than me tired and slept then also fixed. I'm curious as the next few days so laueft.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Proxies With Online Streaming


first to plan something here, then what does one another.
I believe if you do you must leave here have a lot of time, or enough money to fly around the weather like this.

I am today was short at the PaneCakeRocks Then I went to the Fox Glacier. I arrived quite late and it was raining like hell, so I've not yet looked at me, but I'll do tomorrow. If the roads are free. This is the biggest problem ... in baby food are not babies, but in the rain forest ... well, the rest you can guess.