Saturday, December 6, 2008

Non Reporting End Of Probation

mountains and LOTR-Schauplaetze

The last two days I've climbed a mountain (1750 m above zero) ...
and I was thinking all the time: "Why do I do this to me, why I do this to me ,..." But then you're suddenly over the tree line, then you're suddenly over the snow line and then you are on the top and see the whole valley, the Southern Alps and everything around it, totally good.

... and drove a jeep through the area and had a look around, learn a lot about the history of the area and various movie scenes from "Lord of the Rings," "Narnia" and "Wolverine" looked at.

therefore completely tourist stuff, but very relaxed and pleasant. It was
wiedermal sunny all the time ... and I'm afraid I'll brown.


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