Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Growth On A Dogs Outer Lip

home, summer job, Irish students and the French presence

a few days I was home. And it was pretty much what I needed. I had two great evenings with my Friend, one alone and one with Thom and Carolyn, had a beautiful day in the battle for Bremen with my best friend and was able to play with my dog and work with sheep, see my family and destroy my vegetarian lifestyle of the roast beef my mother let ( on the other hand, I do not think I've eaten dead animal. that was as red as it was still alive (licking)).

And the moment I'm back at home beats me with a cold for a day in bed. Well, that's life. So I have the arrival of Sheneads (Irish postdoc in my lab) is not a student noticed. And I will also meet Friday at the earliest, since they first released the first week has taken. The one who wants to understand.
But I got to know the three new French summer students. Where to know sounds like too much. I have "Hello" said they waved. Smarter way to sit together and converse in French. We will consider ourselves extremely safe.

the way I had accepted a job in the summer in Bremen on MPI. Actually it's more of an internship, but oh well it looks great on your CV and the theme is super exciting.

I wish you a beautiful week.

ps if something is not readable, tried just "p" s and "a" s add up, it makes sense. The keys just disconnect sometimes.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Collage Cultural Names

Accommodation in Denmark - a new travel portal on holiday in Denmark

Feriepartner On behalf of Denmark and it was founded Zuisammenarbeit hotel links with the Hamburg office of Feriepartner Denmark, a new travel portal on holiday in Denmark.

It is based on leading open source system Joomla! and the design and layout has been completely taken over by Websiteoptimierung.de. Websiteoptimierung.de specializes in search engine optimized websites .

The new travel portal on the Holiday in Denmark informed of the
holiday in Denmark in the house with dog, family, active, and anglers for two.
It can also Feriepartner Denmark Vacation Homes be posted. The search box contains some new features that are so still not implemented in the Web site Feriepartner Denmark. Sun can actually be found including holiday homes specifically for anglers: fishing vacation Denmark.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Where I Have To Put My Stayfree?

Southern blot, vegetarian food and home leave


in the last two weeks happened wiedereinml much. Much of this is easy work, so bring on new tissue culture growth media, check out her my bacteria is still relevant to them, I think, begin a lab book and Southern blot . On the latter I must
something elaborate. For one, I've never made a blot, on the other hand I have also made this only a small part of the whole, namely all the washing steps, the application of the antibodies and the substrate. And a very important other part is that my supervisor has never been a working Southern still knows how. And as I wrote that I need now even not to ask who was instrumental in here the first functioning blot. And instead you sprinkle salt in Toni's decent, I then wound my little "I am the man" listed-victory dance and me happy:)
Oh, and the summer student comes here in June. There is either a lack of communication between management and researchers, or simply decide that it is no matter and the student must when he shows up. All very strange and approachable. Incidentally, I

an offer for a job just got a summer student. I do not know if it works. The pay is pretty lousy and I'm only enrolled at a University and do not at the university to pay me but less smooth. Draufhin I NEN letter with a demand for more money and those written words how good a worker I am. Let's see what happens.

I eat now since a few days (sometimes even weeks) vegetarian. The whole thing has the background, conscious that I want to support me and I like some things simply do not support factory farming like. The plan is to see just how my body reacts and then to do good sources of meat. For example, the freezer of my parents (with-grown meat). I just went to the nerve to constantly eat meat, no more thinking about it and accept it as a matter of course, although it there should be a luxury.
Oh and I could find are the vegetarian food and health are two different things.

And finally I am from Wednesday to Sunday at home. If you have time send me a text message.



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vajina Hair Remove Image

birthday, report, students


in the days since Easter is out of work again being done. My lab notebook is almost full, the report has now ne double-digit page number and I had my birthday. Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes.

I spent this long weekend, complete home and wrote on my report. I do this to save money, which I may need when I go to Belfast next weekend. Or rather, if necessary. I want one of the other students there go to and something we here quite often simply thrown became ruins.

Living with my new roommate turns out very quickly. He does not drink, clean behind and is shy. So quietly and quickly. But you can still sit with him inthe kitchen and talk.

Otherwise, we get next week, two summer students for 8 weeks. I should get one of them. I'm not sure if this was a joke or serious, but he will take on any case my work and get my experiments upright so I can launch the next phase can begin and the molecular biological analysis. 'm Curious what that is. He should be a graduate student, but that does not unfortunately very much. The main thing he can work safely and does not try to cover up his mistakes.

I wish you good Sunday NEN