Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wording To Pay Your Own Meal

The three?

game on Saturday I was at my first world record here!
With more than 15,000 other crazy in the forest stage, see Justus, Peter and Bob live. And it was worth something of! My two roommates were extra Dresdner come (where those are no? Cassettes children, but were only on the Graz Travel confronted in the car really)

What can you say when big ? Three girls ( wers not understand the phone looks at the holiday time to band) in the forest stage.
coarse gabs the strange alarm clock. But with soo much more (which was by no means always family safe!) And that was not only naked yoga, fertility bar and very romantic Karaoke .
Bob and Peter are even non times as bad singer ;-) but beware! Very creepy catchy risk!
In any case, it was wonderful to see what all the people on stage fürn had fun. And it simply was enormously impressive how full the forest stage may be! (For d en Wise Guys wars so rather poorly ...)
I've since ne whole corner took pictures, who can can yes even in the Photo Album broadcast, so one would have to look at this as a non- Facebooker can.
There's actually been said by all the subtitles. It was incredibly great! The next live radio play can come :-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Respond To Employment Rejection Letter

swimming, jazz and comedy ...

The next day, Sandra has then made early ausm Saub , Bad for free Silke and me :-)
And when the day finally correct was summer, we have also used the something of!
at the jumping technique work, practice dolphin (oh yes perfect! ahem ...), Contact ;-) by the way what swim in the sun rumbraten and I think enjoy some construction workers ...
Then at some point but purely for hours sing in the shower, Heidi, over the phantom of the opera and leave the Grove to the high Einsingübungen (which occur naturally only at the end). Good thing we had the boarding school for us (we think at least). This is a small world downfall can also bear out fine.

Then one day, completely soaked and some people even slightly burnt from the hot shower, n pick them up bright sunshine Sandra of the Murinsel and then HERE for ns finally up to the mountain.
The fact that we in the whole Geknipse ever reached the top are? Just count the steps worked non . But, long live the series function. As you can during a break a first-do " photo shoot" on NEM rocks. But it can also happen that we overlook sheer Knipserei that n few yards louder benches stand. Nu yes, I like to eat in crevices ...
be quickly reached the top attractions looked (where we believe the most time I have dedicated to the Turkish well, and he was still non top and was not built by Turks)
look then at some point on the Clock and nix like down. Jazz is waiting!

There was even this year not so much about it. The ensemble
speech I had seen the day before, I now like it better somehow. Maybe can arrange jazz and poetry better than poetry and pop?
Then Vocado . Fine. Again :-) Klaro . Then came what

new. Chilli since Mur . The mountain shakes that are from there. The
wars but also. Nice singing, but nice. In the long run not reichts when with NEM embarrassing Accsessoire a micro is collected and nice singing. Because somehow no particular excitement was at. And containing three women ... no depth, no rhythm ... since would never again gone. But the Home Bonus, you must advise non large audience who will be winning there.
heard as we heard afterwards that also slide down to the non and seemed to have had great interest in the whole. Too bad, but one has noticed somehow.
And to be quite apart from that, yodeling is not a jazz! And what have since yodel together, that I am in the shower together with Silke hammer out too ...

Then, Jazzation from Hungary. That was then jazz with n bissel pepper it. I can never remember exactly what it was, but something had disturbed me. And it was not the fact that they were staffed entirely different from the program was somewhere ;-) is as n man and woman lost ne gone ;-) But the other three ladies and the remainder of the Lord have been fine made. What has always disturbed me so it can not have been great bad. Bass and Beatbox were indeed solely on the shoulders of one man, but the women have also made their part as well. It was jazz, and even in between homes. Nice :-)

And then, the Chillis become audience winner. Who would have thought.
Vocado but first, with gold . Right on :-)

Then nix like into ne lunch. Let us show Augsburgers times Graz his pizzerias and wells. Very nice and tasty. :-) Purely
And then it finally through the back entrance. You must always try something new!

Then nothing like back into the Comedy . Should it be as bad as at times the year before (the first place last year, of course, not for debate!), then worked as a consolation to see before, that there not as much as last time was in

Of the Female Affairs we had the beginning missed. But, from what we have seen, I must say that I like them better in Comedy . Fits you more. Even though I was not all that particularly funny. But I like to keep everything before the involuntary or spontaneous humor ;-)
mums children. Well, I was out. Had nu really not be. And what I noticed hiss through was not funny. Not for me.

were then again Vocado drann . Ok, if you are from Sweden you can also take time
all :-) I was also curious how hard you want to do with Comedy . One can be funny without words, but it's hard then in the area, the only non German-language ensemble.
yet they have through anyway, even without words. N bissel drama, which has not always hit my nerve comedy, but the Ronja Medley. Where this is not right ... funny But it's great. And just for that they would get from me ;-) n Price
And the song of the type that wants to give his mother (?) Is not a zebra ... that was funny. But they hold back more conspicuous by musical perfection, how far the jury is now in the comedy section evaluates you know not so sure. Have said in the past year also has to count somehow ;-) anyway, I prefer not to say that the winning comedy at the expense hättten made of music. ( muSix * Advertising *)

So, next again then our neighbors. Unduzo . This time the
fit for my taste a lot better. Is Although not all my super Humor, and the odd tenor should continue to work on his voice (but ok, who should not?), But it must indeed be room for improvement always.
The song about the Darwin Awards was amazing. I have laughed real, and that's saying something. Tell only the verses in between should have not, I've understood the text sung ... And if it makes you part of something at the end of the circle closes again somehow, like the song, then let ego even more. Fine!

Then There Were back High Five . And here, comedy suits them better. I do not know may be holding all the groups who really want to do comedy then it somehow set, since then hitch on the lyrics and music are not necessarily intended to be funny ...? And, I know actually meet exceptions ( muSix , Maybebop and yes, even the Real Group can be funny * g *) But maybe you have to be set more on "proper" music without Comedy and from time to be funny. Then that fits better to what I find funny. I have now, even at such Maybebop always laughed a lot more than for example the underground Kontrollören frozen in women's clothes who had specialized in so very funny ;-)

Hm, well, yes. I'm really good seen it then for me at 5idelity . And seeing that playing with quite pure. If you look at the men on that day compared with earlier times looks ;-) ...
It says in any case a concept behind it is round, like. Thuringian Forest!
although I would certainly not every night can look at, but every now and then n concert can be quite fun. As she makes her run through the thing so consistently zuzugucken definitely fun. And the music is completely not whistle. Although they are all not the greatest singer I have ever heard, but those are just a few. And who sings a song about Doner brides and us this brings in the course of the tour to perform wild dances traffic light man, who can not be so bad!

Well, in the end had mums children again thrown its spell on all but me. And won. Good for you.
The one sentence of the jury that they have paid more attention to comedy than musical perfection was the result but to see not only at this point. the already sounded almost like an excuse to n Vocado. But I think the could with the bronze and live well, one can not always win. And that seemed to have had quite fun after so nem full day. We also

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Blood Sugar Level Is 7.4 2 Hours After A Meal

bed stories

short time in between, I am doing other than to run concerts. Yes, rarely, but always ;-)

Since already for several months, my little bed in the bucket, or the slats had been broken, was again the subject of new bed "in space. And if one on one who has one wants to build a loft bed, then slam it. Even if it takes a little longer until it starts.

Well, after about 4 months it was time. Friday before last, we are in gelatscht Hardware have looked wooden. Then I quickly got
again ne painted wall in my room (and previously removed in hours of painstaking work, all the tickets from the wall * g *) and last Friday we went reinforced with his car again Now in a DIY, wood.

And then: unpack, anstricheln, clamp, try pure screw, unscrew, pure screw back up, together like, fall over (gone nothing broken, I must say that was more than a miracle each n Zentimerter on TV! computer, laptop, some glasses and other things over, and the part was hard!), stand up again to drill into the wall, shredding screw, buy new screws, puzzle on together, sawing, planting ... and at the end of a bed. :-)
Although at the moment without proper steps and without any "anti-from-the-bed-roll-board", but still.

And today have I slept the first night in my new bed. The time does not count from Friday to Saturday, a hours is surely no sleep ...
And, it is saubequem! Even if the mattress is still in my old bed, and thus is too narrow, so I do not come to rest at least in the dangerous situation on the edge and roll ausm bed, because the "shield" is not yet said yes as appropriate. And ok, it is more convenient than with ner reinzuklettern construction manager, or to make gymnastics to come up, but whatever. ;-)
It's new, it's mine, I even own drann having built and above all, keep the bed base and I never make back the muddy ... fine, fine, fine!

Thanks Tim! :-)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Places To Find A Glory Hole

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Friday, August 6, 2010

What License Is Needed For Laser Eye Surgery?

Fishing holiday in Denmark

holiday homes in Denmark offers all travelers the chance of an unforgettable holiday with many personal highlights. You can spend the holidays in your own cottage free to nose and make even the choice of a suitable holiday accommodation, the course for a memorable time. One can find Danish holiday homes for all needs, for all needs and all budgets. Here you can bring your dog to travel with the whole extended family or pursue hobbies. What makes Denmark especially, the water. There are almost endless coastline, lakes and rivers, so that the country is heavily influenced by marine life.

Vejlby clit on the North Sea coast

line you can let off steam here as tourists, especially in and around the water course or surf fishing trip in Denmark to offer almost. One can, for example, for a vacation rental Denmark Vejlby Klit select and land on the waterfront. Right between the North Sea and the five-kilometer long lake Ferring Vejlby Klit on a narrow strip of land and offers ideal conditions for swimmers and sea lovers. So worth the Denmark House especially for those who want a lot of the water. Especially anglers feel at home here and have rich hunting grounds. But the area has to offer even more: The Lighthouse Bovbjerg Lighthouse is open to the south and the summer amusement park is not far. The whole area is ideal for excursions and of course also has beautiful beaches for recreation to offer. This is especially common to find amber and you can walk in a wild or mild nature. A forest and the many wetlands are also home to migratory birds and other animals.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Target Silk Pillowcases

Graaaz ... Biasing and day 1

So, I've been thinking, since I did last year nothing really Total vowel have written, I will change that this time. Let's see how far I can get ;-)

The whole probably will be ne mix of concert reviews and experience report. In no real-time, yet somehow balanced, just what I grad think so I'm already where else got rid of ... and in general.

First, I am indeed launched from ne wedding in Wannsee to Dresden, where then piled our luggage into a considerable pile has. And after a traditional night sleep we went cross indeed totally as planned at 7 uh, let loose clock 9. All
Fluks to Vienna, as we always do. Short breaks and übehaupt ;-)
was the way through the Czech Republic is rich in information about girls days Essigaufgüsse, Dr Dolittle and even dinosaurs, we have Geshen ;-) I did not know, that it is really on the border so ... fun ... is !

In Vienna, we will first n bissel looks the other way, or visit the exciting city area ;-)
If you walk on it just like that going on at the end you realize that you somehow always in the loop is gone. But we saw enough interesting nonetheless. There are at least two
Hotel Sacher, no one knows which is now "the" is.
No matter where you happen to be, Berlin is always there. Unless at least one manhole cover .
Somewhere in Vienna, there is the man of the spoils, we got it unfortunately never see. can
Even after closing time one tap to get more pizza, and the last piece of spinach.
And, even had luck at surfing again, we had a very nice couch , I must say. And on top of it I know now that I'm not the only one ever to pick up a visit to the bottom, said was that more of NEM cute happy child NEM wet cloth and not as durable Türöfffnergerät .
And, I'll look ma if I'm not but my ear pierced should be ... ;-)

After we left again shortly before 11 are (for then wars with parking), it went relatively fixed on the highway to Graz, the Austrian describes quite willing to very large and clearly ...

After we first in Graz Although very punctual but for now the wrong agricultural school attended (also all seemed strangely unknown because) we arrived a little late at the right place.
Although equipped with construction workers, but still happy with the beautiful pool, that is all. After awhile Ner have wirs then purely managed well and we were shown "the premises". Was even new, because we believe in the but what better part I were staying. Anyway, we got the biggest room
;-) And "There are six men there, one knows it" crap. Nowhere you can go undetected ...
We took our hostel with the guys of " Unduzo " divided. Degree to cope with yet to be boarding to ninth in NEM ...

After Ner brief incursions then we went off into the mountain. Classical and beatboxing waiting.
Since then we have sometimes allowed to quickly close acquaintance with the beautiful park system in Graz . Park homes are really cheap, only 2.20 an hour, very fine if you can plan to park about nine hours ... and otherwise, across-off lane, which means you have three hours umparken .
There are also small areas where the short-term parking zone has been lifted as far as I've noticed that's the only lights in the case, then where is parking forbidden anyway. Fine!

Well, after Ner while we have then found their way into the mountains (including added after Sandra times quickly made the acquaintance of an ice sheet and is now in the one street can not really be proud ... )
Classic, yes we have seen. If you're already there, then I watch is yes to all. Only because we have missed the beginning because we with our accommodation n bissel are delayed arrival.

What gabs like that?
The first two groups we have not seen due to the delay.
Sjaella (Chickpeas were times ) I already knew. They do this well, but to me are girlish. Since the foundation they need me anyway. An old and 5, the obenrum flutes, that is not so mine. But from the her intonation and so on. Super.
only the solo parts I could find, they also do something else. Is n bissel thin. But vlt . containing also just non my taste ..

And Hanover Harmon songwriter you can not really say nothing . They do a pretty class. Krasse high tenors, without sounding forced, that was really huge!
But you have to like the music stop. What I do though ;-) but longer than half an hour also ne not then first again. Yes they have the evening hymn of Rheinberger sung, I absolutely love. Since wars for my taste in some places held half of the vote not as balanced, but that may be because I've heard too often as the King Singers version that I liked better ...
winners were then at the end Sjaella , and also with a golden diploma, the Hannover Harmonists second. Audience winners were infinity, from Austria, who would have thought ;-)

And then it went almost directly and without warning the " Empereor of Mic " more ... The
me this "right" beatboxing in itself is not as complete, and then I would rather "just" Vocal Percussion like that I knew. But anyway. Broadcast has indeed tasted yet ;-) but it was just an upgrade and once you can give him some day so ordinary Battle .
Eight people gabs , and like us then from the nice extra Host ( Bee low * summ summ * from Berlin, who would have recognized this, haha ) repeatedly stated was:
always two against one another alternately twice every two minutes.
Well, sounded somehow any different, but without the moderator I'd be nothing but of all the different styles and Grooves and lip techniques noticed ... And after
is Ner while the sc hon boring. It then deals with the still more wonderful Outfitter of Lords, its intoxicating Sangeskünsten (when a singer to sing in parallel n bissel rhythmic accompaniment operates sounds much better, so if he has practiced ...) and whether one or another way still has a child in the noise. And, how do these names?
Defa , Doemer (together they are Döf ! Not my joke ...), Skiller , KrnFx (however you pronounce that) and similar effusions. All mad cool . Give it up! Fats Respect! We have been a charming Crowd ...
the end, then stole the Lord Lytos from Mallorca, he was totally unpeinlichem draped and crowned inventory was allowed, then again boxing champion and has all his brothers brought to the stage. Unbelievable!
Oh, and the jury are of course also still impressed with their skills (this was because, of course ne other than for the other contests ... and I the Lords Jalkéus and Figallo really likes to really sleep battling would see want * g *)
But was this jury then as the "reigning Beatboxing World Champion" (which is ruled then 've seen like that?) and the four-time state champion from Austria (which we last year already, which since but I think even had a different name?)

then after all this charge we went think I be set directly in the after-show party on, but the music had to be really not that long ... so they also into the home, breakfast is yes by 9 After then Ner round Munchkin (which must be) we went also fix the bed. Dreams of a mountain ...

(And as for the photos, thanks to Silke and Sandra , make for a camera when I was all, and make time for photos where I've snapped yourself non :-)!)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Golden Sun, Vba, Exit Debug

the small band statistics

currently re- (26/09/2010) and should be found not so ;-)

5idelity: 3
5 prior to marriage: 2
6Pack: 1
6Zylinder: 1
* A choir of girls at the Freiburg Cathedral Choir: 1
A-live: 1
Aqua Bella: 3
Basta: 4
Bauchklang: 1
BIT Vocal Group: 1
Bliss: 1
Bremer Jazz Chor Just Friends: 1
Cash-n-go: 4
Cadence: 2
Camerata Musica Limburg: 1
Cantus Domus: 1
Cappella'A: 1
Capella St. Crucis: 1
Carmina mundi: 1
Chilli da Mur: 1
Choralle: 1
Chorus: 1
Christophorus-Kantorei Altensteig: 1
Clazz: 2
Club for five: 2
Die Zuckerröhren: 2
Echte Kerle: 2
Ensemble Amachord: 1
Ensemble EXtraCHORd: 1
Ensemble Singklang: 1
Ensemble Quartonal: 1
Ensemble Vespree: 1
Essenzen: 1
Fabulous Fridays: 1
Female Affairs: 2
Ganz Schön Feist: 2
Gestern und Heut': 1
get souled: 3
Give me five: 1
GlasBlasSingQuintett: 1
Hannover Harmonists: 1
Harmonix: 2
high five: 4
High C: 1
JAM: 1
Jazzation: 1
Jazz Choir 1992 Hertz: 1
Jazzex: 2
Juicebox: 7
Sound District: 2
Lalá Vocal Ensemble: 1
LaLeLu: 4
Las Vocadillas: 1
Liedertafel: 1
Lübeck boys' choir at St. Mary's: 1
girls choir at Cathedral of Essen: 1
ManSound: 2
Martin O.: 2
Maybebop: 57
Medlz: 4
mezzo mixed: 1
dialect: 2
mouth: 1
muSix: 64
mums Children: 3
Ois Voice! 1
Ommm: 2
Palatine Carolers: 1
Pitch Pipe Project: 8
Pust: 3
Quattro Pro: 1
cross section: 1
Rivers: 1
Rhine Female: 1
Rock4: 6
Rockapella: 1
Sei Ottavi: 1
Shiva Knows: 1
Singin 'Off Beats: 2
sing sing: 1
Sixpack: 1
Sjaella: 4
Slash: 2
Sonic Suite: 1
Sound beach: 1
vote: 1
Stouxingers: 2
Str8voices: 2
Takarabune: 3
The House Jacks: 2
The Idea Of North: 1
The Magnets: 1
The Outfox: 1
The Public Bath House: 2
The Real Group: 2
The Sweetheart Sharks: 1
The Swingle Singers: 3
The Syncopations: 2
Thios Omilos: 1
Tonalrausch: 4
Touché: 2
Transistor Radio Girls: 1
U-Bahnkontrollöre in frozen women's clothes: 5
Unduzo: 2
via-nova-chor Munich: 1
Four times two: 1
Viertuosen: 1
VIP: 1
Viva Voce: 5
Vocado: 9
Vocal Affair Ludwigsburg: 2
Vocalchords: 1
Vocaldente: 5
Vocalive: 2
Vocal Line: 2
Vocaloca: 2
vowel movement: 5
Voice it: 1
Voice Male: 1
Vox bona: 1
washing power: 3 Wise Guys
: 20
Witloof Bay: 2
speech Ensemble: 2
Yeomen: 1

Returns to date: 127 different Groups. That's something
:-) And if I'm not mistaken which 76 are from Germany. The other countries I STATISTICS another time ;-)
Oh yes, and so far a total of 227 (a cappella) Concerts! (By now Ner whole lot of choirs, which I count as of now with me, would be more of "past" actually come yet for quite a corner, but since I can remember me nu with the best will never ;-)...)

How Long Does Urithrit

My concert list :-)

So when and where I was because of who ;-) In any case, what a cappella is concerned:

228th 12/23/2010 Passion Church, Berlin: Christian Steyer and the Berlin Soloists Choir
227th 26/11/2010 shallot, Berlin: muSix
226. 17/11/2010 Admiral Palace, Berlin: Maybebop
225th 12/11/2010 Spectaculum Mundi, Munich: The House Jacks
224th 11/09/2010 Societätstheater, Dresden: Cadence
223rd 11/06/2010 Festhalle, Ilmenau: 5idelity, Sonic Suite, Shiva Knows, High Five, dialect
222. 04.11.2010 Bürgerhaus Kalk, Cologne: Maybebop
221st 01/11/2010 tipi tent, Berlin: The Magnets
220. 10/10/2010 Concert Hall, Bamberg: muSix
219th 9/25/2010 Admiral Palace, Berlin: muSix and more ;-)
218th 24.09.2010 Theater am Aegi, Hanover: muSix & Maybebop
217th 08/26/2010 BKA Theater, Berlin: Vocal traffic
216th 14/08/2010 GOP, Hanover: Maybebop
215th 08/07/2010 Konzertplatz White Deer, Dresden: The Medlz, Martin O., muSix
214th 29/07/2010 Dom im Berg, Graz: Sjaella, Vocado, moms children
213th 28/07/2010 Dom im Berg, Graz: Female Affairs, moms children Vocado, Unduzo, High Five, 5idelity
212th 28/07/2010 Dom im Berg, Graz: speech ensemble Vocado, chilli because Mur
211th 07/27/2010 Dom im Berg, Graz: Quattro Pro, Female Affairs, Sjaella, Transister Radio Girls, Speech Ensemble, Be Ottavi
210th 07/27/2010 Dom im Berg, Graz: Unduzo, Vocado, moms children, High Five, 5idelity, get souled
209th 26/07/2010 Dom im Berg, Graz: Ensemble singing sound, Hannover Harmonists
208th 10/07/2010 Mensa am Wilhelsmplatz, Göttingen: UNICANT + muSix
207th 02/07/2010 shallot, Berlin: Fabulous Fridays + cross section
206th 07.01.2010 Goethe-air stage, Porta Westfalica: Maybebop
205th 06/28/2010 cafeteria at William Square, New York: UNICANT
204th 06/27/2010 cafeteria at William Square, New York: UNICANT
203rd 26/06/2010 cafeteria at William Square, New York: UNICANT
202nd 06/19/2010 court of the culture brewery, Berlin: muSix
two hundred and first 12/06/2010 Park City Pankow, Berlin: muSix
200th 06/06/2010 Wolters Brewery, Brunswick: muSix
199th 05/24/2010 Westfalen Park, Dortmund: high five, Feist, Rockapella
198th 05/23/2010 Westfalen Park, Dortmund: dialect, Bliss, 6-cylinder
197th 05/16/2010 County Museum, Finsterwalde: muSix
196th 05.15.2010 Konzerthaus Dortmund: Juicebox, Camerata Musica Limburg, Christophorus-Kantorei old pavement, Luebeck boys' choir at St. Mary's, via-nova-chor Munich, Vocalive
195th 05.15.2010 Konzerthaus Dortmund: Singin 'Off Beats, Ensemble Quartonal, A * choir of girls at the Freiburg Cathedral Choir, songs table, girls' choir of the Cathedral of Essen, Ensemble EXtrCHORd, Palatine Carolers
194th 14.05.2010 Opera House, Manchester: All choir, Singin 'Off Beats, Jazz Choir 1992 Hertz, Juicebox, Vocal Affair Ludwigsburg, Bremer Jazz Choir Just Friends
193rd 14/05/2010 FZW, Dortmund: sing sing, vocal Affair Ludwigsburg, mezzo mixed, mouth, vocal movement, Juicebox, Str8voices, Rhine Male, four times two
192nd 14.05.2010 Konzerthaus Dortmund: Bona Vox, Cantus Domus, Capella St. Crucis
191st 05.13.2010 Konzerthaus Dortmund: Carmina Mundi, VOCES8
190th 05/13/2010 House of Youth, Dortmund: Vocalive, Clazz, voice it, essences
189th 09/05/2010 Distel, Berlin: Lalelu
188th 02/05/2010 Sendesaal Ndr, Hanover: Vocado, Ommm, Ensemble Amachord, Juicebox
187th 01/05/2010 culture tent, Hanover: Martin O., Ommm
186th 30/04/2010 square in front of the church market, Hanover: Str8Voices, Vocal Dente, Maybebop, Juicebox
185th 04/26/2010 Cultural Faust, Hannover: Bauchklang
184th 04/24/2010 HCC, Hanover: The Swingle Singers
183. 04/17/2010 theater, Itzehoe: muSix
182nd 16/04/2010 shallot, Berlin: detergency
181st 09/04/2010 Bräustübl, Friedrich Hagen: muSix
180th 04/05/2010 concert Calden exalt: muSix
179th 3/10/2010 Coliseum, Lübeck: Maybebop
178: 25.02.2010 Konzerthaus Berlin, Viva Voce
177th 02/20/2010 O2World, Berlin: muSix
176th 02/05/2010 honeycomb, Berlin: muSix
175th 01/29/2010 Aula Carolina, Aachen: Rock4
174th 01.15.2009 Mansion, Rodgau: muSix
173rd 28/12/2009 concert barn, Calden: muSix
172. 13.12.2009 Christuskirche, Wolfsburg: Maybebop
171. 11.12.2009 Konzertscheune, Calden: muSix
170. 28.11.2009 Schalotte, Berlin: The Outfox & Vokalverkehr
169. 27.11.2009 Gedächtniskirche, Berlin: Vocal Line
168. 22.11.2009 Distel, Berlin: Lalelu
167. 21.11.2009 Bräustübl, Berlin: muSix
166. 19.11.2009 Tipi, Berlin: Maybebop
165. 18.11.2009 Tipi, Berlin: Maybebop
164. 16.11.2009 Odeon, Wien: Pust & Club for five
163. 15.11.2009 Metropol, Vienna: The Real Group
162nd Societätstheater 12.11.2009, Dresden: Cadence
161st 07/11/2009 Feshalle, Ilmenau: get souled, 5 160th before marriage, Chickpeas, Stouxingers, Medlz, cash-n-go (TonArt Festival)
06/11/2009 shallot, Berlin: muSix
159th 05/11/2009 Jubitz, Karlsruhe: Maybebop
158th 11/04/2009 Senftöpfchen, Cologne: Maybebop
157th 29/10/2009 Center Avenue, New York: muSix
156th 11/10/2009 concert hall, bathroom Freienwalde: muSix
155th 10/10/2009 Frauenplan, Weimar: muSix
154th 09/10/2009 market, Weimar: muSix
153. 03.10.2009 Phönix-Halle, Mainz: Vocado, Vocaloca , Witloof Bay , Pust , Touché , The Swingle Singers
152. 03.10.2009 Phönix-Halle, Mainz: Vocado, The Real Group
151. 02.10.2009 Phönix-Halle, Mainz: Pust
150. 02.10.2009 Phönix-Halle, Mainz: Witloof Bay, Vocaloca
149. 01.10.2009 Phönix-Halle, Mainz: Touché, The Swingle Singers
148. 01.10.2009 Phönix-Halle, Mainz: Vocal Journey, Vocado
147. 25.09.2009 Theater am Äegi, Hannover: Maybebop & Vocal line
146. 24.09.2009 Theater am Äegi, Hannover: Maybebop
145th 19/09/2009 honeycomb, Berlin: muSix
144th Before the town hall 14.09.2009, Cottbus: 143 muSix
09/06/2009 square, Hoyerswerda: muSix
142nd 30/08/2009 Fischer neighborhood, Strausberg: muSix
141st 29/08/2009 Dussmann, Berlin: muSix
140th 28/08/2009 BKA, Berlin: Rock4
139th 27/08/2009 BKA, Berlin: Rock4
138th 08/21/2009 Park Theater, Dresden: Medelz, Lalelu, Rock4
137th 19/08/2009 outdoor stage, Nienburg: Maybebop
136th 08/16/2009 Theater, Dresden: muSix
135th 09/08/2009 Maschseefest, Hanover: Juicebox
134th 08/02/2009 Castle Park Biesdorf, Berlin: muSix & Vocal traffic
133rd 07/30/2009 Dom im Berg, Graz: muSix. Harmonix, Takarabune, The public bath house, Takarabune (international a cappella competition - Winners Concert)
132nd 29/07/2009 Dom im Berg, Graz: muSix, ManSound, Chorus, The Syncopations, Aqua Bella, Brécy, BIT Vocal Group, Slash, Takarabune, Cappella'A, Rivers, Jazzex (international a cappella competition - Jazz)
131st 28/07/2009 Dom im Berg, Graz: muSix, Sugar Tubes, Jazzex, Aqua Bella, Slash, Takarabune, Give me five, get souled, sound beach, Lal's Vocal Ensemble, The public bath house, ManSound (international a cappella competition - Pop)
130th 07/27/2009 Dom im Berg, Graz: Ois Voice!
129th 07/27/2009 Dom im Berg, Graz: muSix that Viertuosen, Sugar Tubes, Yesterday and Today ', The Syncopations, Harmonix (international a cappella competition - Comedy)
128th 07/25/2009 City Festival, Tangermünde: muSix
127th 07/23/2009 sample chamber, Berlin: muSix
126th 07/18/2009 Culture Pavilion, Göhren: muSix
125th 17/07/2009 Church Meßdunk: muSix
124th 07/11/2009 Aula, Göttingen: UNICANT, muSix
123rd 03/07/2009 summer theater, Porta Westfalica: Maybebop
122nd 06.27.2009 Dresden: muSix
121st 06.27.2009 Dresden: VIP
120th 06/26/2009 Vineyard Church, Dresden: muSix
119th 06/21/2009 Ballhaus, Hanover: Vocalchords
118th 06/21/2009 main stage, Hanover: Juicebox
117th 20/06/2009 Balver cave Balve: Vocaldente
116th 06/18/2009 BKA, Berlin: Club for five
115th 17/06/2009 University, Hildesheim: Maybebop
114th 14/06/2009 court of the culture brewery, Berlin: muSix
113. 06/13/2009 forest stage, Berlin: Wise Guys
112th 06/12/2009 BKA, Berlin: Tonalrausch
111th 06/10/2009 BKA, Berlin: Tonalrausch
110th 01/06/2009 Westfalen Park, Dortmund: detergency, Sound District, Maybebop
109th 31/05/2009 Westfalen Park, Dortmund: voting rights, cash-n-go, Lalelu, Basta
108th 23/05/2009 Reese Theater, Augsburg muSix, cash-n-Go
107th 22/05/2009 Reese Theater, Augsburg muSix, cash-n-Go
106th 17/05/2009 Paul Church, Dortmund: muSix
105th 05/11/2009 Hall of Mirrors, New York: The House Jacks
104th 05/08/2009 Cultural, Fürstenwalde: muSix
103rd 03.05.2009 Theater am Aegi, Hanover: Tonalrausch, Regular Guys, Juicebox, The Idea of North (the final concert of a cappella week)
102nd 02/05/2009 Cultural Forum, Fürth: Maybebop
one hundred and first 01.05.2009 Frankfurt a. M.: U-Bahn Kontrollöre ... (Farewell Concert)
100th 30/04/2009 Eisenhüttenstadt: muSix
99th 4/29/2009 Admiral Palace, Berlin: Maybebop
98th 04/25/2009 Pavillon, Hannover: Rock4 and Viva Voce (opening concert of a cappella week)
97th 04/24/2009 Opera, Hannover: Maybebop
96th 21/03/2009 theater, Hamelin: Maybebop
95th 03/20/2009 Cultural Forum, Oldenburg: Maybebop
94th 18/03/2009 Kleist Forum Frankfurt: muSix
93rd 24/02/2009 champion Singh All, Nuremberg: Maybebop & Viva Voce
92nd 02/22/2009 Piccolo Theater, Cottbus: muSix
91st 12/02/2009 Moritzbastei, Leipzig: Maybebop
90th 02/05/2009 Collos-Saal, Aschaffenburg: Maybebop
89th 01/30/2009 Age Krug, Seelze: 5 before marriage
88th 29/01/2009 Theater, Hildesheim: Maybebop
87th 01/23/2009 honeycomb, Berlin: muSix
86th 01/19/2009 Voles, Berlin U-Bahn Kontrollöre frozen in women's clothes
85th 01/18/2009 Piccolo Theater, Cottbus: muSix
84th 12.31.2008 Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin: muSix
83rd 12/27/2008 Jägerklause, Berlin: muSix
82nd 12/21/2008 Paderhalle, Paderborn: Maybebop
81st 12/20/2008 Grugahalle Eating: Wise Guys
80th 12/15/2008 Orangerie, Hanover: Maybebop
79th 12/06/2008 Markthalle, Lügde-Elbrinxen: Maybebop
78th 30/11/2008 Admiral Palace, Berlin: Maybebop
77th 29/11/2008 Fischer neighborhood, Strausberg: muSix
76. 27/11/2008 shallot, Berlin: muSix
75th 11/22/2008 Pantheon, Bonn: Maybebop
74th 20/11/2008 shallot, Berlin U-Bahn Kontrollöre ...
73rd 09/11/2008 Columbia Halle, Berlin: Wise Guys
72nd 22/10/2008 school, Salzwedel: Maybebop
71st 10/08/2008 circus tent, Wolfsburg: Maybebop
70th 05/10/2008 Epiphany Church, Dresden: muSix
69th 10/04/2008 boiler house, Berlin: muSix
68th 09/11/2008 Neustadt am Rübenberge, Castle Landestrost: muSix
67th 09.07.2008 Bad Pyrmont: Maybebop
66th 08/02/2008 Hanau: Wise Guys
65. 25.07.2008 BKA, Berlin: Voice Male
64. 17.07.2008 BKA, Berlin: GlasBlasSingQuintett
63. 05.07.2008 Stadthalle, Göttingen: Unicante, Maybebop
62. 28.06.2008 Stadthalle, Köln-Mülheim: Wise Guys (Totalnacht)
61. 27.06.2008 Schloss, Bevern: Maybebop
60. 14.06.2008 Opernplatz, Hannover: Maybebop
59. 31.05.2008 Bergedorfer Hafenmeile, Hamburg: Maybebop
58. 23.05.2008 Gewandhaus, Leipzig: muSix, Tonalrausch, Vocado, J.A.M., Las Vocadillas, Sixpack (internationaler a cappella Wettbewerb)
57. 18/05/2008 culture Kraftwerk, Goslar: Maybebop
56th 09/05/2008 carbon market, Braunschweig: Maybebop
55th 05/08/2008 stage at the Cathedral Square, Brunswick: Maybebop
54th 06/05/2008 St. Pauli Theater, Hamburg: Maybebop
53rd 29/04/2008 Pavillon, Hannover: Maybebop (Request Concert)
52nd 04/22/2008 Nikolaisaal, Potsdam: Basta
51st Ritterhude 18/04/2008: Viva Voce
50th 04/14/2008 GOP, Bad Oeynhausen: Maybebop
49th 03/27/2008 Pavilion, Hanover: U-Bahn Kontrollöre ...
48th 15/03/2008 Urania, Berlin: Feist
47th 16/02/2008 Phillip Hall, Dusseldorf: Wise Guys (special night)
46th 11/02/2008 GOP, Hanover: Maybebop
45th 02/01/2008 Sumpfblume, Hamelin: Maybebop
44th 1/31/2008 Admiral Palace, Berlin: Maybebop and Musix
43rd 17/01/2008 voles, Berlin U-Bahnkontrollöre 42nd in women's clothes frozen
01/07/2008 Admiral Palace, Berlin: Basta
41st 12/17/2007 Orangerie, Hanover: Maybebop
40th 11/30/2007 school, Augsburg Maybebop
39th 11/22/2007 Café shallot, Berlin: Vocaldente
38th 10/11/2007 Columbia Halle, Berlin: Wise Guys
37th 01/11/2007 Schauspielhaus, Hamburg: Maybebop, Vocal Dente, Viva Voce, Sound District, Stouxingers, MPAW, Yeomen ... (Final "Youth Cultural)
36th 10/16/2007 Hans-Otto Theater, Potsdam: muSix, Vocal Dente, Thios Omilos, Ensemble Vespree (preliminary decision "Youth Cultural)
35th 10/12/2007 Capitol, Hannover: Maybebop
34th 09/29/2007 Conference Center, Schweinfurt: Maybebop, Rock4, 6Pack
33rd 08/31/2007 BKA, Berlin: A live
32nd 07/29/2007 BKA, Berlin: detergency
31st 07/08/2007 Theater, Potsdam: Pitch Pipe Project
30. 02.07.2007 Ernst-Reuter-Saal, Berlin: Maybebop
29. 29.06.2007 Glocke, Bremen: Wise Guys (& Bremer Philharmoniker)
28. 03.06.2007 Theaterschiff, Berlin: Pitch Pipe Project
27. 26.05.2007 Tanzbrunnen, Köln: Wise Guys
26. 04.04.2007 Kalkscheune, Berlin: Pitch Pipe Project
25. 10.03.2007 Walhalla, Potsdam: Pitch Pipe Project
24. 23.02.2007 Stadthalle, Aschaffenburg: Wise Guys
23. 11.02.2007 Theaterschiff, Potsdam: Pitch pipe Project
22. 09.02.2007 HfM, Berlin: muSix (Patricks Diplomkonzert)
21st 04/02/2007 Kulturbrauerei, Berlin: Wise Guys
20th 01/05/2007 Schiller Theater, Berlin: Basta
19th 14/12/2006 pool, Wolfsburg: Maybebop
18th 24/11/2006 Columbia Halle, Berlin: Wise Guys
17th Kalkscheune 16.11.2006, Berlin: Pitch Pipe Project
16th 04/11/2006 Jako-Arena, Bamberg: Wise Guys (special night)
15th 14/10/2006 HfM, Berlin: Maybebop (Luke diploma concert)
14th 08/10/2006 Theater, Potsdam: Pitch Pipe Project
13th 09/09/2006 San Francisco, CA: Wise Guys
12th 08/31/2006 BKA, Berlin: muSix
11th 18/08/2006 BKA, Berlin: Real guys
10th 26/07/2006 BKA, Berlin: Pitch Pipe Project
9th 22/07/2006 BKA, Berlin: Maybebop
8th 07/21/2006 BKA, Berlin: Maybebop
7th 05/27/2006 dancing fountains, Cologne: Wise Guys
6th 02/18/2006 Kulturbrauerei, Berlin: Wise Guys
5th 28/10/2005 Columbia Halle, Berlin: Wise Guys
4th 09/18/2005 Palace of Tears, Berlin: Wise Guys
third 25/06/2005 UdK, Berlin: Wise Guys
second 04/09/2005 Café shallot, Berlin: The Sweetheart Sharks
first 02/27/2005 Palace of Tears, Berlin: Wise Guys