Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Target Silk Pillowcases

Graaaz ... Biasing and day 1

So, I've been thinking, since I did last year nothing really Total vowel have written, I will change that this time. Let's see how far I can get ;-)

The whole probably will be ne mix of concert reviews and experience report. In no real-time, yet somehow balanced, just what I grad think so I'm already where else got rid of ... and in general.

First, I am indeed launched from ne wedding in Wannsee to Dresden, where then piled our luggage into a considerable pile has. And after a traditional night sleep we went cross indeed totally as planned at 7 uh, let loose clock 9. All
Fluks to Vienna, as we always do. Short breaks and übehaupt ;-)
was the way through the Czech Republic is rich in information about girls days Essigaufgüsse, Dr Dolittle and even dinosaurs, we have Geshen ;-) I did not know, that it is really on the border so ... fun ... is !

In Vienna, we will first n bissel looks the other way, or visit the exciting city area ;-)
If you walk on it just like that going on at the end you realize that you somehow always in the loop is gone. But we saw enough interesting nonetheless. There are at least two
Hotel Sacher, no one knows which is now "the" is.
No matter where you happen to be, Berlin is always there. Unless at least one manhole cover .
Somewhere in Vienna, there is the man of the spoils, we got it unfortunately never see. can
Even after closing time one tap to get more pizza, and the last piece of spinach.
And, even had luck at surfing again, we had a very nice couch , I must say. And on top of it I know now that I'm not the only one ever to pick up a visit to the bottom, said was that more of NEM cute happy child NEM wet cloth and not as durable Türöfffnergerät .
And, I'll look ma if I'm not but my ear pierced should be ... ;-)

After we left again shortly before 11 are (for then wars with parking), it went relatively fixed on the highway to Graz, the Austrian describes quite willing to very large and clearly ...

After we first in Graz Although very punctual but for now the wrong agricultural school attended (also all seemed strangely unknown because) we arrived a little late at the right place.
Although equipped with construction workers, but still happy with the beautiful pool, that is all. After awhile Ner have wirs then purely managed well and we were shown "the premises". Was even new, because we believe in the but what better part I were staying. Anyway, we got the biggest room
;-) And "There are six men there, one knows it" crap. Nowhere you can go undetected ...
We took our hostel with the guys of " Unduzo " divided. Degree to cope with yet to be boarding to ninth in NEM ...

After Ner brief incursions then we went off into the mountain. Classical and beatboxing waiting.
Since then we have sometimes allowed to quickly close acquaintance with the beautiful park system in Graz . Park homes are really cheap, only 2.20 an hour, very fine if you can plan to park about nine hours ... and otherwise, across-off lane, which means you have three hours umparken .
There are also small areas where the short-term parking zone has been lifted as far as I've noticed that's the only lights in the case, then where is parking forbidden anyway. Fine!

Well, after Ner while we have then found their way into the mountains (including added after Sandra times quickly made the acquaintance of an ice sheet and is now in the one street can not really be proud ... )
Classic, yes we have seen. If you're already there, then I watch is yes to all. Only because we have missed the beginning because we with our accommodation n bissel are delayed arrival.

What gabs like that?
The first two groups we have not seen due to the delay.
Sjaella (Chickpeas were times ) I already knew. They do this well, but to me are girlish. Since the foundation they need me anyway. An old and 5, the obenrum flutes, that is not so mine. But from the her intonation and so on. Super.
only the solo parts I could find, they also do something else. Is n bissel thin. But vlt . containing also just non my taste ..

And Hanover Harmon songwriter you can not really say nothing . They do a pretty class. Krasse high tenors, without sounding forced, that was really huge!
But you have to like the music stop. What I do though ;-) but longer than half an hour also ne not then first again. Yes they have the evening hymn of Rheinberger sung, I absolutely love. Since wars for my taste in some places held half of the vote not as balanced, but that may be because I've heard too often as the King Singers version that I liked better ...
winners were then at the end Sjaella , and also with a golden diploma, the Hannover Harmonists second. Audience winners were infinity, from Austria, who would have thought ;-)

And then it went almost directly and without warning the " Empereor of Mic " more ... The
me this "right" beatboxing in itself is not as complete, and then I would rather "just" Vocal Percussion like that I knew. But anyway. Broadcast has indeed tasted yet ;-) but it was just an upgrade and once you can give him some day so ordinary Battle .
Eight people gabs , and like us then from the nice extra Host ( Bee low * summ summ * from Berlin, who would have recognized this, haha ) repeatedly stated was:
always two against one another alternately twice every two minutes.
Well, sounded somehow any different, but without the moderator I'd be nothing but of all the different styles and Grooves and lip techniques noticed ... And after
is Ner while the sc hon boring. It then deals with the still more wonderful Outfitter of Lords, its intoxicating Sangeskünsten (when a singer to sing in parallel n bissel rhythmic accompaniment operates sounds much better, so if he has practiced ...) and whether one or another way still has a child in the noise. And, how do these names?
Defa , Doemer (together they are Döf ! Not my joke ...), Skiller , KrnFx (however you pronounce that) and similar effusions. All mad cool . Give it up! Fats Respect! We have been a charming Crowd ...
the end, then stole the Lord Lytos from Mallorca, he was totally unpeinlichem draped and crowned inventory was allowed, then again boxing champion and has all his brothers brought to the stage. Unbelievable!
Oh, and the jury are of course also still impressed with their skills (this was because, of course ne other than for the other contests ... and I the Lords Jalkéus and Figallo really likes to really sleep battling would see want * g *)
But was this jury then as the "reigning Beatboxing World Champion" (which is ruled then 've seen like that?) and the four-time state champion from Austria (which we last year already, which since but I think even had a different name?)

then after all this charge we went think I be set directly in the after-show party on, but the music had to be really not that long ... so they also into the home, breakfast is yes by 9 After then Ner round Munchkin (which must be) we went also fix the bed. Dreams of a mountain ...

(And as for the photos, thanks to Silke and Sandra , make for a camera when I was all, and make time for photos where I've snapped yourself non :-)!)


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