Thursday, August 19, 2010

Respond To Employment Rejection Letter

swimming, jazz and comedy ...

The next day, Sandra has then made early ausm Saub , Bad for free Silke and me :-)
And when the day finally correct was summer, we have also used the something of!
at the jumping technique work, practice dolphin (oh yes perfect! ahem ...), Contact ;-) by the way what swim in the sun rumbraten and I think enjoy some construction workers ...
Then at some point but purely for hours sing in the shower, Heidi, over the phantom of the opera and leave the Grove to the high Einsingübungen (which occur naturally only at the end). Good thing we had the boarding school for us (we think at least). This is a small world downfall can also bear out fine.

Then one day, completely soaked and some people even slightly burnt from the hot shower, n pick them up bright sunshine Sandra of the Murinsel and then HERE for ns finally up to the mountain.
The fact that we in the whole Geknipse ever reached the top are? Just count the steps worked non . But, long live the series function. As you can during a break a first-do " photo shoot" on NEM rocks. But it can also happen that we overlook sheer Knipserei that n few yards louder benches stand. Nu yes, I like to eat in crevices ...
be quickly reached the top attractions looked (where we believe the most time I have dedicated to the Turkish well, and he was still non top and was not built by Turks)
look then at some point on the Clock and nix like down. Jazz is waiting!

There was even this year not so much about it. The ensemble
speech I had seen the day before, I now like it better somehow. Maybe can arrange jazz and poetry better than poetry and pop?
Then Vocado . Fine. Again :-) Klaro . Then came what

new. Chilli since Mur . The mountain shakes that are from there. The
wars but also. Nice singing, but nice. In the long run not reichts when with NEM embarrassing Accsessoire a micro is collected and nice singing. Because somehow no particular excitement was at. And containing three women ... no depth, no rhythm ... since would never again gone. But the Home Bonus, you must advise non large audience who will be winning there.
heard as we heard afterwards that also slide down to the non and seemed to have had great interest in the whole. Too bad, but one has noticed somehow.
And to be quite apart from that, yodeling is not a jazz! And what have since yodel together, that I am in the shower together with Silke hammer out too ...

Then, Jazzation from Hungary. That was then jazz with n bissel pepper it. I can never remember exactly what it was, but something had disturbed me. And it was not the fact that they were staffed entirely different from the program was somewhere ;-) is as n man and woman lost ne gone ;-) But the other three ladies and the remainder of the Lord have been fine made. What has always disturbed me so it can not have been great bad. Bass and Beatbox were indeed solely on the shoulders of one man, but the women have also made their part as well. It was jazz, and even in between homes. Nice :-)

And then, the Chillis become audience winner. Who would have thought.
Vocado but first, with gold . Right on :-)

Then nix like into ne lunch. Let us show Augsburgers times Graz his pizzerias and wells. Very nice and tasty. :-) Purely
And then it finally through the back entrance. You must always try something new!

Then nothing like back into the Comedy . Should it be as bad as at times the year before (the first place last year, of course, not for debate!), then worked as a consolation to see before, that there not as much as last time was in

Of the Female Affairs we had the beginning missed. But, from what we have seen, I must say that I like them better in Comedy . Fits you more. Even though I was not all that particularly funny. But I like to keep everything before the involuntary or spontaneous humor ;-)
mums children. Well, I was out. Had nu really not be. And what I noticed hiss through was not funny. Not for me.

were then again Vocado drann . Ok, if you are from Sweden you can also take time
all :-) I was also curious how hard you want to do with Comedy . One can be funny without words, but it's hard then in the area, the only non German-language ensemble.
yet they have through anyway, even without words. N bissel drama, which has not always hit my nerve comedy, but the Ronja Medley. Where this is not right ... funny But it's great. And just for that they would get from me ;-) n Price
And the song of the type that wants to give his mother (?) Is not a zebra ... that was funny. But they hold back more conspicuous by musical perfection, how far the jury is now in the comedy section evaluates you know not so sure. Have said in the past year also has to count somehow ;-) anyway, I prefer not to say that the winning comedy at the expense hättten made of music. ( muSix * Advertising *)

So, next again then our neighbors. Unduzo . This time the
fit for my taste a lot better. Is Although not all my super Humor, and the odd tenor should continue to work on his voice (but ok, who should not?), But it must indeed be room for improvement always.
The song about the Darwin Awards was amazing. I have laughed real, and that's saying something. Tell only the verses in between should have not, I've understood the text sung ... And if it makes you part of something at the end of the circle closes again somehow, like the song, then let ego even more. Fine!

Then There Were back High Five . And here, comedy suits them better. I do not know may be holding all the groups who really want to do comedy then it somehow set, since then hitch on the lyrics and music are not necessarily intended to be funny ...? And, I know actually meet exceptions ( muSix , Maybebop and yes, even the Real Group can be funny * g *) But maybe you have to be set more on "proper" music without Comedy and from time to be funny. Then that fits better to what I find funny. I have now, even at such Maybebop always laughed a lot more than for example the underground Kontrollören frozen in women's clothes who had specialized in so very funny ;-)

Hm, well, yes. I'm really good seen it then for me at 5idelity . And seeing that playing with quite pure. If you look at the men on that day compared with earlier times looks ;-) ...
It says in any case a concept behind it is round, like. Thuringian Forest!
although I would certainly not every night can look at, but every now and then n concert can be quite fun. As she makes her run through the thing so consistently zuzugucken definitely fun. And the music is completely not whistle. Although they are all not the greatest singer I have ever heard, but those are just a few. And who sings a song about Doner brides and us this brings in the course of the tour to perform wild dances traffic light man, who can not be so bad!

Well, in the end had mums children again thrown its spell on all but me. And won. Good for you.
The one sentence of the jury that they have paid more attention to comedy than musical perfection was the result but to see not only at this point. the already sounded almost like an excuse to n Vocado. But I think the could with the bronze and live well, one can not always win. And that seemed to have had quite fun after so nem full day. We also


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