Saturday, March 14, 2009

Extreme Eye Rescue Isabella

Weather signs of life will be better

The weather is consistently better. The temperature rises and the rain ... takes at least not through to the bone. Whatever that means I'm slowly making it the basic version of my internship report to write, before I spend my weekends to see the country and this report will be up to two weeks remain before the end. Of course, now some people who know me think more, "what has happened only with the unorganized young man we knew?"
I wonder too. But in my defense: the report to be ready when I'm home again, at least the content part, which is somewhere in the formalities of my degree program. Technicalities are allowed to stay until just after the new semester are. Apart from these

report problems I have yet to make preparations for this job. And once again showed the ISTAB (my program) is well represented. Also in the group in Bremen, where I would like to work from July to August is an alumni of us. With which I'm going to very carefully to contact.

At work I just put on plants, plant food mix to create NEN log for coloring (translated Tung: I read lots of scientific articles and stealing what I think what work in my case could and over the next week try I all kick off and what use I can not get out) and in the last week it was there already so pretty. Sounds boring and uneventful, it did not.

I wish you a nice weekend ...


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