Sunday, March 8, 2009

Good Way To Masterbate

Over the last three weeks, done a lot in my life. For one thing, my computer does not even work properly and I have to with a my mother's older laptop Rumschlag. Not that I want to be ungrateful, but you just already noted the difference between the Windows PC and my MacBook. But I think in the summer I'll be able to repair my MacBook.

Life here in Ireland has adopted its own routine. Work Monday to Friday and on weekends, go out once or twice. For a long time in the kitchen, and cooking and watching what roommates are just there and drink beer with them, perhaps NEN. With my two French move today. Whatever that means my driver takes off. Kindly, only to the other side of the road.

I was last weekend in Germany and had a backpack full of books do here. All the books you have donated time and with which I could not yet read. The huge amount of free time wants to somehow be filled. This weekend I said my lab book had smuggled out of time to create a table of contents in peace. I will probably make the same the next two hours.

A quarter of my time is just around. I'm from the country itself have not seen so much, but the latest in a fortnight will change. I'm planning a long weekend with my girlfriend in Dublin and surrounding areas.

And finally again briefly return to my work:
It all goes totally good. We (ie me and my supervisor) sat down at the beginning of the Week together and he tells me what to do during the week like this and then from the time I work well alone in front of me, to a question arises, then I'll find someone with the answer. Power to all cases of total fun in protocols incorporate and figure out how I can do three things at once fill the waiting times in between with useful things. And it is really exciting getting tangled up. Figure out which of the steps in the protocol can be extended by a few minutes to shut down without anything and the best in the Middle ... something that brings blood to boil briefly.

time see what next week brings so ...


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