Saturday, February 28, 2009

Received Tax Refund Early


very great, now I'm just arrived in Nuremberg and had to find
that I leave my bag with laptop and all the other stuff
in Munich got it!

And now I sit in the cafe where my husband works to him to watch,
am dealing with my latte and ask myself how such a
weekend without a laptop probably is. Worse, without the Internet, even without
Web 2.0! Is that possible?

Ok, there's the iPhone, but: The charger is located where? Exactly, in the
bag! And about the battery life you have to say nothing ...

What do I do now? Reading the newspaper? Really with paper and black
fingers and not as an RSS feed? Or meet people? In real life, colorful and
in color? Actually not a bad idea ...

felt like a friend is, "Look it's time as an opportunity" ... Get
I do! Let's see how the weekend is 1.0. Not for all, there are still
Twitter on the iPhone ;-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Same Birthday Love Match


minimalism must be able to afford!

The statement made a friend and I was in Haidhausen when we after a very delicious dinner at Langolo della were walking Pizza still and in one of these old houses with big windows and high ceilings on the lavish chandelier discovered that enveloped the otherwise bare and empty room in a pink light. Very chic ...

Monterola Constration

tasty food: Pizza della Langolo

Was eat with a friend in Langolo della Pizza in Haidhausen. Very nice Italian restaurant with great selection and reasonable prices. Especially the wine is still affordable.
is Pizzatag Mondays, Wednesdays, there's the pasta better. Both the spaghetti with seafood and pizza Regina were very tasty. Very busy, so book in advance!

Kurt Russelentrada Ilegal

Sour Apple

As I have already told the other day, so my colleague has a Powerbook destroyed. No problem I thought, a fallen out button will be well able to repair at Apple - why do we have in Munich, a brand new Apple Store!

Nothing doing: First I was around ten minutes in the apple store, responsive to was a salesman in the vicinity at all. Most of them are indeed in private training and must not be disturbed. Well, I finally had a salesman's hand, but was put off first again, probably because the private conversations with his colleague had priority. And then after I was allowed to present my problem, it said only:
"Got a date?"

I was at first a bit overwhelmed by the question, because I wanted to be look down on the problem only once ... Then one can still say this is taking too long, but you need an appointment. But no, they wanted to see the damage still not even. It would have been me but could give you an appointment the next day, today is unfortunately all fully ...

Welcome to the Service desert Germany. Apparently is also the flagship American companies can not compete against the usual pain in this country of the service personnel. As much as I like Apple products too: This staff could have been on a German Apple Store can do without!

The date of course I not taken, but've called today at CANCOM: problem described, "Yes, please, please come", fifteen minutes drive away and within two seconds, the button repaired. And the best for free!
Although I have never bought which was much less for had ever had contact with them! I call that service !

In the future I'll probably go right at Cancom, before I bite the bullet again ...

How Many Calories Has Natural Popcorn Got

Everyday misfortune?

assigns Why TAZ their article about the plane crash in Amsterdam in unit " life" and under " everyday?
Even if there were no deaths because I think it's out of place ...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dental Tourism-hungary

nurses and polyester hare

So, Carnival is back around. As a good Franke me this custom is pretty overrated strange, but I will then talk about it every year anew, on Shrove Tuesday to meet with organized gaiety.

And yes, I admit it, it is quite beautiful - even if my husband disagree. After all, Carnival offers plenty of reason to blaspheme yes: There are a whole the nurses, who spend hours despite freezing temperatures and deep snow pile with a white coat and not just warming suspenders gonna wind in the cold. It is hardly surprising but not when the nurses of tomorrow are louder sick sisters.

It is in the gay world dress not so necessary. The leather Trina as easy to pull in what they wear every day anyway. And the tanned hides in freezing temperatures and hold at least the alabaster body at a comfortable temperature - provided you can brave the shirt unbuttoned.

One advantage to the rubber guys are as indispensable as the nurses have. The thin latex skin is not just as a climate shift. And the football players always enjoy running outfit is whether the shorts rather for the beach party and not really suitable for carnival. Still warm here the socks, the calves!

Happy are those who have a full-body costume risen. The pink bunny appeared under her polyester clothing to sweat as well as the changing flower pot, as Maria Hellwig, or disguised as a flamingo copies. Or man bretzelt to complete the same: lower the blond wig, the 50-DEN-tights and the three-layer in the Grope is a Tiger look certainly not cold.

As in past years were, of course again this year and sailors, not surprisingly, very popular with cowboys. Whether it had something to do with the fact that Brokeback Mountain came on TV yesterday? I do not know ... And actually it's not matter: morning run before all again in a suit and tie in the office, complaining about her headache, tell how awful it all was and vow to turn out carnival next year leave.

Rose And next Monday will unpack the cowboy Kostümchen again ...

Converting %w/w To %w/v

What means the cook?

What will we tell the cook? Does he mean the fish bream? Or should we guess whether the fish is fresh? We prefer to have time made pizza :-)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Home Hardware Knife Commercial

Week End ... 22:02:09

Granted, this weekend is now for a few hours ago, but yesterday evening after the games I had not really muse, to write something. I finally had to come up with enough words already in Scrabble. And it is not always recognized ... Here, the game is actually but also promote creativity and when come of it useful neologisms, that's actually good.

And who wants to put Limoneneisdrops, which should not complain about my Eihauben. Redfish under Eihaube, tomatoes stuffed with a delicious Eihaube or Eihaube of veal over a small, what more could you want ... Even the omniscient Google knows the Eihaube!

The rest of the weekend was quiet, very quiet. It started on Friday already so that I'm probably asleep at ten clock and was awakened by the falling out of bed by 5 laptop clock 40 again. But I was fortunately not the only night-cap, my husband, who wanted to come with the nine-Clock-train to Munich called at just after midday and very sleepy says that he is awake now ... :-) And after the weather has not always invited to walk, the weekend was quickly moved into the apartment and for the most part in bed!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Adjusting Xrtra 10 Suspesion

recently in Marbella

The English are a funny people. As they have with the beautiful Costa del Sol beach, palm trees and sandy beach, and then build a living bunker next to the others. And even five star hotels are being built directly to the main traffic road.

I really wonder what the rich and famous here attracts her? The charming landscape's can not be. In the mountains teeming with abandoned construction sites and the sea can be seen whether the above-mentioned hotel castles eh not. And who moors his yacht in one of the many expensive ports, then has the wonderful view of the built-coast. Oh great!

I also wonder what causes the auto industry to make a presentation in February in Marbella. If the Seat Exeo can not imagine in Barcelona? Daist the weather is nice also, and you come back in two hours from Munich. To Marbella or Malaga but it is at this season are no direct flights. The upshot: Some eight hours journey. Good thing I slept through the first flyer was my fault, but still!

What else? The car is great, the best Seat Seat ever built. Whether it's is because that is a disguised Audi A4? No, we do not complain. Not about food, we finally dined at Spain's only two-star restaurant. The potential was there, as expected, straightforward, very tasty but the "aha" effect was made, unfortunately. I for one could not tell what it justified the two stars, a shooting star would have done. Anyway, after we ran away the evening in the bar to four clock in the morning, food was eh forget and one could again turn to the breakfast. And the hour-long journey home ...

Friday, February 20, 2009

How Dilute Tattoo Green Soap

Never again SpanAir

Yesterday, I still thought that Spanair had learned to do so. Finally, I was served on the flight from Barcelona to Malaga from that nice men left. Compared with the other stewardesses a real eye-catcher. The English air hostesses are usually not so unkind but not at all handsome ... as far as I can tell :-)

The positive impression of the Spanair has done today but immediately I arrive in Barcelona, Munich and will continue to see that a delay in Spanair plane into the Bavarian state capital just to the Boarding begins.

So I am with my Lufthansa ticket for Spanair Transferdesk and wanted to rebook. No way! Spanair feels for LH-customer does not have jurisdiction. So why are the so-called because partners in the Star Alliance? Of their aircraft so they can share it.

The usual uncharmante lady wanted to send me out of the security area out, down to the Lufthansa counter and if the transfer, then I can with. That the machine is then gone, did not matter. And as I had then still allowed to ask if she could call in for LH on Transferdesk, said only: Can you already but I do not want ...

Since one should exclude the Spanair but immediately from the Star Alliance network. Yet to me, Lufthansa has just said that I would have Spanair switch entirely to rebook. What is that!
Will write tomorrow once my friend, Dr. Mayr of the LH ...

Problems With Texet Usb Adaptor


Today was scary here nice, good weather, no clouds, you could stand outside the T-shirt ...

The observations in recent days:

can be peeled with a cheese slicer cucumbers. But no potatoes.
With a fillet knife can be both peel.

will weigh 00:01 grams of anything from 20 times in a row, really boring.

Whether it is in the higher Hirachie from people who think of students as "Research Monkeys"?

pot cooking is fairly simple.

Well, this well-deserved weekend starts now eat with stew and then I'll go bowling with some nice people from work and my roommate. Will be fun.

you a nice weekend ...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How To Make A Deed Of Variation

time difference depending

Lufthansa seems to maintain a different form of time shift. If you believe the watches in the Senator Lounge, it's 11:37 in London clock while it beats in New York turned to 14:19 clock ...

From 2 hours 42 time difference so I've never heard of. Let 's hope that is not hosting the Lufthansa flight plans accordingly.

Backyardigans Birthday Cake In Toronto

already amazing how dependent we are making use of a small, unassuming device. Talking about the phone. Previously we had an alarm clock, the batteries had to be changed only rarely and a reliably awakened every morning. And if you had slept through a date yet, it did not take long until the phone rang one awake - fixed network, of course.

Now I own an alarm clock but not yet a self-sufficient with respect to the power supply fixed line, but only an iPhone. And I think every night, I hope the alarm clock goes off tomorrow morning.

fact it every morning - until now. Last night, I still have the charge cable connected to the phone ... the other end not plugged into the socket. And so it happened that after the night of the battery was the phone was dead and slept through his alarm clock accordingly the service has.

And that's not happening at some point, but if you have to catch the early machine to Barcelona. And if you want to take a colleague to the airport ... Of course, those called several times for good old-fashioned way. Only where no electricity, as there is no ringing.

Well, every hour to Barcelona is flying a plane. But in the future I'll probably rely on it again to a normal alarm clock. And now I know why, despite all the super cheap mobile flat rates are still fixed lines :-)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How To Make An A3 Print ın Powerpoint

flies the plane?

glorious weather - and I have to sit in the office! Regardless, the sun can even look from the inside. And tomorrow's going to Marbella, there it is hopefully a bit warmer. Now only the Lufthansa play tomorrow morning. Have just read again what a strike!

Could be funny, especially when the weather is still with me and Munich airport once again fog prevails ! If yes from time to time before .... 'm Curious!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Name Of The Planets Neptune In Hindi


here in Ireland we have to report not so very much.
The number of methods learned increases, the relationship with the roommates and work colleagues will be better and I plan as I have done it I do not just see Carlow while I'm here. We shall see ...

I wish you a beautiful week

Fuel Filter Housing Isuzu


has just destroyed my colleague, my beloved Powerbook! Well, maybe not completely destroyed, but at least one key, namely nine, he has released from its anchorage. And indeed beyond repair! At least I can not judge's ... Knows someone from there?

And then it was still called, he was not at fault. He did so only the Audi A4 Allroad press kit thrown on my keyboard. Audi is now something to blame? But at least I now have a reason to Munich tomorrow times in the Apple store to waddle!
Thanks! :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pokemon Weaknesses Resistances Chart

weekend end ... 15:02:09

And again a week is over ... and while I'm sitting here as the café and wait for my husband, who brings just his kitchen in order, I wonder a bit about the service personnel.

that smokers want or need to pursue their addiction is so Ok. But if someone spends 60 minutes of service time between 20 and 30 minutes of smoking and verquatscht the rest of the time nor the half, but what does not, right? Especially as the Non smoking work through unfortunately so have to! Must now start smoking? I hope not it! Perhaps we should also introduce a Non smoking break every 15 minutes, five minutes doing nothing.

But, it would so no more work. The Non smoking are as it were indeed the pillars of society - at least the cafe society.

What else happened on the weekend? Not much - after a birthday party on Saturday, which lasted up to four clock, I realize now is that I'm not 18 anymore. Amazing how one more fix for a few years old :-) Somehow I am today not to use a lot!

I hope that tomorrow morning is different. Finally, I need to deal first with the Mazda MX-5, I was allowed to drive the last week in Amalfi . Rather, I should write something nice about it :-) But, the week is again briefly on Thursday's off to Marbella for Seat Exeo. But more on that later ...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Registrating A Vessel In Ontario

other day in Amalfi

counts alleged that the coastal road between Amalfi and Sorrento on the three most beautiful streets in the world - next to the Chapman's Peak in South Africa and the Highway # 1 from Santa Barbara to Monterey.

After I got the route and its branch lines then explored in detail with the revised Mazda MX-5, I can say: Yes, nice it is already. But the Chapmans Peak is beautiful :-) And of Hwy # 1, we will review in a few weeks!

But back Amalfi. Allegedly abound around Naples - Napoli says or how the Italin - indeed the only way of making Mafiosis and other dark. The sponsors themselves, we now have not been made, but if you like meanders through the picturesque mountain villages along the coast, but encounter a lot of very black-clad ladies, I simply explained the same to widows. What else should the dark clothes mean ... And because this leaves open the question of where all the men are out? Probably all sunk with a weight on his feet before Capri. Incidentally, this is exactly the Capri, where the red sun sinks into the sea ... * Sing *

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why Does Ultraviolet Light Affect Bilirubin

Nothing special meal and housing

Hello dear ones,

here only briefly the result of what one gets out when you fry the dice mushrooms and green peppers to exist (and spices), rice and sauce. (Is only worth mentioning because some people are of the opinion that I hate green peppers and mushrooms like the plague, which I also made time, but with spices fried WORKS better than me (And when a drop is in accordance with the seasoning on the edge of the bottle on the Tabasco is hanging lick calm, the discomfort is)).

And my living room ...

... and my kitchen ...

... and the dining area ...

... and one half of my 13 square ...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cordless Answering Machine Wall Mount

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sample Wedding Thank You Note To Pastor

is the first week ...

The first week here is up. And it was pretty good.

To briefly what to say to yourself Carlow:

somehow is funny here. So actually ne town like you might find it so everywhere in the world. Thanks to the huge shopping malls, the Stastzentrum has moved, the architecturally beautiful part of (Court House, etc.) is surrounded by empty shops, there are several tourist things (Carlow Heritage Trail), said here does not seem umbedingt the main business to be parks with stoner teenagers Low profile cars and yobs, so nothing special, just only with Irish architecture. But those are just the first impressions of the week. Let's see what the weekend so brings. I'll even look at MRI after NEN Pub (France-Ireland rugby match with staff and my roommates), and maybe tonight even a nightclub. Let's see if I find someone who comes with.

But once on the important things in life ... Eh residency in Ireland.
The Institute is totally good. Nice building, nice people and the processes so far, all work very well. I'm so easily get everything I need so, so computer account, lab coat, an access card (which I can not take with the house, because another has internal soeiner time lost if the internal level, reads: thank you), etc.

The work starts from 9 bis 17 clock, which is 2 hours rest are scheduled. Unfortunately I can not work longer simply for insurance reasons, which means but I only plan to that fact must drumrum. Yes, someday I will no longer be taken by the hand and has this really self-employed and work alone. In the past week I've learned different techniques and I was just still a bit looked over his shoulder. I think it will stay that way a bit so there are some methods to get me, but with time less and less. My supervisor Tony (25 years young, looks like my student) is pretty good, so know what he is talking and has a plan what I should do it while I'm here and how me as he slowly ranführt. So everything is very satisfying at the moment.

Oh, just in case someone likes the methods: DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis, tissue cultures create, not bad for a start.

The project itself, I can honestly say nothing. Not because I do not know what I will do heir, but rather because said here quite often is something like: "but that's top secret" and I nciht safe RBIN whether the serious. Every time something is said, is pushed even a stupid joke afterwards. So either all an inside joke, or imposed from above and not taken too seriously. I'll just ask.

I work in a Laboratory with Tony and two Irish girls, otherwise there are still some students (Bachelor, Master and PhD mainly) as represented are Italian (3 or 4), French (4-5), Ireland (8-10) and a few of the I move so far can not. Oh, 3 German to forget (I, Tony, and more).

Kindly drives my roommate (loin, from France) udn every morning and takes me to the Institute. They even dispensed gasoline money, which I find totally good, but here I have to think about something nice to say thank you again ....

So, I sometimes make chili:)