Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pokemon Weaknesses Resistances Chart

weekend end ... 15:02:09

And again a week is over ... and while I'm sitting here as the café and wait for my husband, who brings just his kitchen in order, I wonder a bit about the service personnel.

that smokers want or need to pursue their addiction is so Ok. But if someone spends 60 minutes of service time between 20 and 30 minutes of smoking and verquatscht the rest of the time nor the half, but what does not, right? Especially as the Non smoking work through unfortunately so have to! Must now start smoking? I hope not it! Perhaps we should also introduce a Non smoking break every 15 minutes, five minutes doing nothing.

But, it would so no more work. The Non smoking are as it were indeed the pillars of society - at least the cafe society.

What else happened on the weekend? Not much - after a birthday party on Saturday, which lasted up to four clock, I realize now is that I'm not 18 anymore. Amazing how one more fix for a few years old :-) Somehow I am today not to use a lot!

I hope that tomorrow morning is different. Finally, I need to deal first with the Mazda MX-5, I was allowed to drive the last week in Amalfi . Rather, I should write something nice about it :-) But, the week is again briefly on Thursday's off to Marbella for Seat Exeo. But more on that later ...


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