Sunday, February 22, 2009

Adjusting Xrtra 10 Suspesion

recently in Marbella

The English are a funny people. As they have with the beautiful Costa del Sol beach, palm trees and sandy beach, and then build a living bunker next to the others. And even five star hotels are being built directly to the main traffic road.

I really wonder what the rich and famous here attracts her? The charming landscape's can not be. In the mountains teeming with abandoned construction sites and the sea can be seen whether the above-mentioned hotel castles eh not. And who moors his yacht in one of the many expensive ports, then has the wonderful view of the built-coast. Oh great!

I also wonder what causes the auto industry to make a presentation in February in Marbella. If the Seat Exeo can not imagine in Barcelona? Daist the weather is nice also, and you come back in two hours from Munich. To Marbella or Malaga but it is at this season are no direct flights. The upshot: Some eight hours journey. Good thing I slept through the first flyer was my fault, but still!

What else? The car is great, the best Seat Seat ever built. Whether it's is because that is a disguised Audi A4? No, we do not complain. Not about food, we finally dined at Spain's only two-star restaurant. The potential was there, as expected, straightforward, very tasty but the "aha" effect was made, unfortunately. I for one could not tell what it justified the two stars, a shooting star would have done. Anyway, after we ran away the evening in the bar to four clock in the morning, food was eh forget and one could again turn to the breakfast. And the hour-long journey home ...


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