Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dental Tourism-hungary

nurses and polyester hare

So, Carnival is back around. As a good Franke me this custom is pretty overrated strange, but I will then talk about it every year anew, on Shrove Tuesday to meet with organized gaiety.

And yes, I admit it, it is quite beautiful - even if my husband disagree. After all, Carnival offers plenty of reason to blaspheme yes: There are a whole the nurses, who spend hours despite freezing temperatures and deep snow pile with a white coat and not just warming suspenders gonna wind in the cold. It is hardly surprising but not when the nurses of tomorrow are louder sick sisters.

It is in the gay world dress not so necessary. The leather Trina as easy to pull in what they wear every day anyway. And the tanned hides in freezing temperatures and hold at least the alabaster body at a comfortable temperature - provided you can brave the shirt unbuttoned.

One advantage to the rubber guys are as indispensable as the nurses have. The thin latex skin is not just as a climate shift. And the football players always enjoy running outfit is whether the shorts rather for the beach party and not really suitable for carnival. Still warm here the socks, the calves!

Happy are those who have a full-body costume risen. The pink bunny appeared under her polyester clothing to sweat as well as the changing flower pot, as Maria Hellwig, or disguised as a flamingo copies. Or man bretzelt to complete the same: lower the blond wig, the 50-DEN-tights and the three-layer in the Grope is a Tiger look certainly not cold.

As in past years were, of course again this year and sailors, not surprisingly, very popular with cowboys. Whether it had something to do with the fact that Brokeback Mountain came on TV yesterday? I do not know ... And actually it's not matter: morning run before all again in a suit and tie in the office, complaining about her headache, tell how awful it all was and vow to turn out carnival next year leave.

Rose And next Monday will unpack the cowboy Kostümchen again ...


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