Saturday, February 28, 2009

Received Tax Refund Early


very great, now I'm just arrived in Nuremberg and had to find
that I leave my bag with laptop and all the other stuff
in Munich got it!

And now I sit in the cafe where my husband works to him to watch,
am dealing with my latte and ask myself how such a
weekend without a laptop probably is. Worse, without the Internet, even without
Web 2.0! Is that possible?

Ok, there's the iPhone, but: The charger is located where? Exactly, in the
bag! And about the battery life you have to say nothing ...

What do I do now? Reading the newspaper? Really with paper and black
fingers and not as an RSS feed? Or meet people? In real life, colorful and
in color? Actually not a bad idea ...

felt like a friend is, "Look it's time as an opportunity" ... Get
I do! Let's see how the weekend is 1.0. Not for all, there are still
Twitter on the iPhone ;-)


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