Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kurt Russelentrada Ilegal

Sour Apple

As I have already told the other day, so my colleague has a Powerbook destroyed. No problem I thought, a fallen out button will be well able to repair at Apple - why do we have in Munich, a brand new Apple Store!

Nothing doing: First I was around ten minutes in the apple store, responsive to was a salesman in the vicinity at all. Most of them are indeed in private training and must not be disturbed. Well, I finally had a salesman's hand, but was put off first again, probably because the private conversations with his colleague had priority. And then after I was allowed to present my problem, it said only:
"Got a date?"

I was at first a bit overwhelmed by the question, because I wanted to be look down on the problem only once ... Then one can still say this is taking too long, but you need an appointment. But no, they wanted to see the damage still not even. It would have been me but could give you an appointment the next day, today is unfortunately all fully ...

Welcome to the Service desert Germany. Apparently is also the flagship American companies can not compete against the usual pain in this country of the service personnel. As much as I like Apple products too: This staff could have been on a German Apple Store can do without!

The date of course I not taken, but've called today at CANCOM: problem described, "Yes, please, please come", fifteen minutes drive away and within two seconds, the button repaired. And the best for free!
Although I have never bought which was much less for had ever had contact with them! I call that service !

In the future I'll probably go right at Cancom, before I bite the bullet again ...


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