Monday, December 21, 2009

Install Sliding Closet Doors After Carpet

holiday in Europe's charming north

Denmark is the ideal holiday destination for all who love the sea, his broad levels and high dunes . Love Wherever you may travel to that country, is always expected from the rolling waves of the blue sea already. Especially the North Sea coast of Denmark's most popular holiday region. It was here in course of time more than 400 km long strip of beaches, has equipped the ocean current with beautiful sand. Some sections of this sand is so soft that you can feel the effort of going definitely in the calves. Other beaches have such a stubborn and hard sand that even buses can flit across it, and kite-buggies with tremendous speed over it. For a romantic holiday for two Denmark is just a tastefully decorated house the ideal home to spend atmospheric and carefree holiday. holiday homes in Denmark offer a wide range of individually designed cottages, which can also in terms of size and ambience wish. Whether local style and plain or with advanced facilities, the pampered guests even left to be desired nothing, everyone will find their very own holiday home, which guarantees a relaxing and carefree stay in one of the most beautiful holiday destinations in Europe. Then who is looking for a little change from the pristine coast is, in large and small Danish cities, a rich program of art, Culture, entertainment and shopping. It is also evocative timber romance not too short, as Denmark's oldest town Ribe proves very impressive, where virtually every timber of the long and varied history of the country bears witness. For a memorable shopping trip with Baroque flair offering the other hand, the border town Toender.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why Do I Weigh More After I Poop?

blue sea, beautiful forests and romantic beaches - Active holiday in Denmark

Denmark gently rolling landscapes, always make the nearby sea and the endless summer days make it the ideal holiday destination for limitless leisure activities and many varied outdoor activities. Although the Danish kingdom is rather small, it offers the island-hopping by bicycle over Sailing along the endless coastline to romantic rides into the sunset everything your heart desires. It stands for all tastes and demands for the best summer jobs on the program. Thus offers the North side of Thy for those who control the surfboard, the ideal area and the little water mill settlement Klitmøller is regarded as the Danish version of Hawaii.

For an active holiday in Denmark also offer the wonderful and often seemingly enchanted fairy forest a variety of hiking trails leading to ancient gnarled trees along, in which the one or the other troll could keep hidden. Lonely moors and dunes invite to endless walks along the Jammerbugten you meet rugged cliffs and a lighthouse from the sand buried. On a stroll through extensive marsh and swamp areas or through picturesque coastal forests can be found especially in the romantic nature of Jutland everywhere monumental burial mounds from the Bronze Age and is still impressive tracks from the era of the legendary Vikings.

who in his leisure activities would still admire the Danish species-rich bird life comes from the coastal observation sites and the well-proven Protected areas completely on his costs. Denmark's diverse landscape as it is created to link activities with relaxation and enjoyment of art with retarded history alive in a harmonious manner. By the way, you can go by Denmark and the Baltic Sea Cruises: Learn more at Cruises info

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Does Shoulder And Neck Feel Like Ectopic

with the dog into the house to Denmark

polarize Dogs: For one of man's best friend is a dog for other people is simply a nuisance variable degree dar. Some take it at night as a cuddly lap dog in the bed, the other a wide berth to any four-legged friends to make clumsy paws.

anyone who gets a dog should plan At length in advance exactly what that means for the future life. Dogs are not allowed in any place and be the future dog owners must carefully about the Karen, where a dog can continue to be an adequate companion and where not. So it is no secret that dogs in grocery stores and the zoo are highly undesirable. Although all adult members of the family have jobs and children spend their day at school, must be ensured that a dog is fed. There are dogs that try to make unpopular own jobs if they have to spend too much time alone at home.

The holidays For many dog owners a special challenge Can you take a dog on vacation or have to find (often to the chagrin of the animal) for several weeks a new shelter and a new owner for the dog? Who will travel in the mountains finds, especially in the larger dog, a faithful traveling companion. During the trip to the south, a dog can on the sandy beach at the sea to be more like Ägernis.

The choice of accommodation for the traveler with a dog plays a significant role. Many hotels dogs are often not desired. Flexible here are already some holiday homes in Denmark . Especially if you look for a friendly load, such as Denmark has decided as a destination. The Internet provides House search portals that offer the opportunity to find vacation homes specifically for the travel dog. With some good planning, an animal friend needs during the holidays not to be without his best friend.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wii Board Compared To Bosuboard For Brain


I'm back home. For seven weeks. What can be said. It's like before I left Germany. And somehow different. It is difficult to describe. In any case, it's nice to be back home and it is good to see all the friends and family again.

learn and obviously know new people. I am currently working at the MPI in Bremen and learn new methods. One can say that in any case alone the accumulation of resources and well-educated people is very good. No matter what problems you have or what issues are raised, there is someone with an idea which one helps more. And PhD students to experience an incredible service that supports their research. As well is because they need to start selbet thus not only all the devices are all there, etc. On the other hand, some can not start containing EDTA when they make their doctor. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. I will work here until early September and finish my internship here with a week of Helgoland. 'm Curious what that is.

After that, I could probably continue working here as a student assistant, but first I have a week free and then start my last semester by B. Sc from the University of. Where I have already two jobs, one as a tutor and then again as a student assistant.

itch To be honest, there is something going on in the fingers move back. I only know nciht where. Actually, I find trips stupid, maybe it's also just about to start a new life, with its own apartment, etc. But we shall see, before next February's first anything.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Americas Next Top Model Waxing

find holiday homes in Denmark and book tickets.

The Holiday Portal for some regions, all offered for hire Rentals from Feriepartner on Google Maps find maps clearly, including:

Denmark Holiday Homes is on Romo

clicked on a house, shows the corresponding detail information book by clicking the button house, can then be posted directly to the respective holiday house in Denmark.

It is also recommended for each region a special holiday home.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quick Time Won't Open Movies


Wow, is there this month written almost back to here and I have nothing.
What to report?
Our student is then arrived at. John. An Irish young man who is very nice, works well and is also trying to understand everything. So very pleasant. He only makes the internship because he is of all placements that make his fellow students, pressured feeling is perhaps not the right motivation. But that's his problem.

Yesterday I was the last Time with the people here. So maybe we go again Thursday to drink a pint, but yesterday we were just dancing and drinking again. Jameson and Jägermeister. I'm sort of an ambassador for international understanding. And my stomach feels, despite this mixture quite normal today. Otherwise

are next to John on Monday still appeared some other summer students. A total of four, and two German darutner. One of which is very strange. If one of the readers have to Daniel "the plague", recalls how he only female. * Brrr *

next Friday I fly to Hamburg and my internship is over. I'm looking forward it. Not that it would not have fallen here, the work was really good, Carlow is a bit boring, but you can live with that, I am happy simply to have this part behind me and the next start. And I am since July last year, almost moved five times, only increases the joy out for a few months in my old room at home to be able to live. What next we will see.

I wish you a nice next week and conclude two more pictures as they arise in passing on the work

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Growth On A Dogs Outer Lip

home, summer job, Irish students and the French presence

a few days I was home. And it was pretty much what I needed. I had two great evenings with my Friend, one alone and one with Thom and Carolyn, had a beautiful day in the battle for Bremen with my best friend and was able to play with my dog and work with sheep, see my family and destroy my vegetarian lifestyle of the roast beef my mother let ( on the other hand, I do not think I've eaten dead animal. that was as red as it was still alive (licking)).

And the moment I'm back at home beats me with a cold for a day in bed. Well, that's life. So I have the arrival of Sheneads (Irish postdoc in my lab) is not a student noticed. And I will also meet Friday at the earliest, since they first released the first week has taken. The one who wants to understand.
But I got to know the three new French summer students. Where to know sounds like too much. I have "Hello" said they waved. Smarter way to sit together and converse in French. We will consider ourselves extremely safe.

the way I had accepted a job in the summer in Bremen on MPI. Actually it's more of an internship, but oh well it looks great on your CV and the theme is super exciting.

I wish you a beautiful week.

ps if something is not readable, tried just "p" s and "a" s add up, it makes sense. The keys just disconnect sometimes.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Collage Cultural Names

Accommodation in Denmark - a new travel portal on holiday in Denmark

Feriepartner On behalf of Denmark and it was founded Zuisammenarbeit hotel links with the Hamburg office of Feriepartner Denmark, a new travel portal on holiday in Denmark.

It is based on leading open source system Joomla! and the design and layout has been completely taken over by specializes in search engine optimized websites .

The new travel portal on the Holiday in Denmark informed of the
holiday in Denmark in the house with dog, family, active, and anglers for two.
It can also Feriepartner Denmark Vacation Homes be posted. The search box contains some new features that are so still not implemented in the Web site Feriepartner Denmark. Sun can actually be found including holiday homes specifically for anglers: fishing vacation Denmark.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Where I Have To Put My Stayfree?

Southern blot, vegetarian food and home leave


in the last two weeks happened wiedereinml much. Much of this is easy work, so bring on new tissue culture growth media, check out her my bacteria is still relevant to them, I think, begin a lab book and Southern blot . On the latter I must
something elaborate. For one, I've never made a blot, on the other hand I have also made this only a small part of the whole, namely all the washing steps, the application of the antibodies and the substrate. And a very important other part is that my supervisor has never been a working Southern still knows how. And as I wrote that I need now even not to ask who was instrumental in here the first functioning blot. And instead you sprinkle salt in Toni's decent, I then wound my little "I am the man" listed-victory dance and me happy:)
Oh, and the summer student comes here in June. There is either a lack of communication between management and researchers, or simply decide that it is no matter and the student must when he shows up. All very strange and approachable. Incidentally, I

an offer for a job just got a summer student. I do not know if it works. The pay is pretty lousy and I'm only enrolled at a University and do not at the university to pay me but less smooth. Draufhin I NEN letter with a demand for more money and those written words how good a worker I am. Let's see what happens.

I eat now since a few days (sometimes even weeks) vegetarian. The whole thing has the background, conscious that I want to support me and I like some things simply do not support factory farming like. The plan is to see just how my body reacts and then to do good sources of meat. For example, the freezer of my parents (with-grown meat). I just went to the nerve to constantly eat meat, no more thinking about it and accept it as a matter of course, although it there should be a luxury.
Oh and I could find are the vegetarian food and health are two different things.

And finally I am from Wednesday to Sunday at home. If you have time send me a text message.



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vajina Hair Remove Image

birthday, report, students


in the days since Easter is out of work again being done. My lab notebook is almost full, the report has now ne double-digit page number and I had my birthday. Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes.

I spent this long weekend, complete home and wrote on my report. I do this to save money, which I may need when I go to Belfast next weekend. Or rather, if necessary. I want one of the other students there go to and something we here quite often simply thrown became ruins.

Living with my new roommate turns out very quickly. He does not drink, clean behind and is shy. So quietly and quickly. But you can still sit with him inthe kitchen and talk.

Otherwise, we get next week, two summer students for 8 weeks. I should get one of them. I'm not sure if this was a joke or serious, but he will take on any case my work and get my experiments upright so I can launch the next phase can begin and the molecular biological analysis. 'm Curious what that is. He should be a graduate student, but that does not unfortunately very much. The main thing he can work safely and does not try to cover up his mistakes.

I wish you good Sunday NEN

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Can Cooler Master Hyper 212fit In Atx


Easter is over and with it half my time here in Ireland. The work is still great, the first 120 pages of the lab book are filled and increases the number of files. Slowly I am beginning to write on my report and the final report to Toni has also slowly take shape once. But somehow I can not do it during NEN few hours of working time to dig freely. But well, maybe I can do it even once in my spare time.

'm Over Easter I went to Tramore. A nice little village on the sea, the sun was shining (which it usually at the weekend, heir somehow) and I have made a long beach walk.

Otherwise, I have received at Easter, what, no, no chocolate, a new roommate, Moses, 32 years old and from Kenya. He makes his PhD here in Oakpark. Very nice, somewhat quiet, but maybe that will change too yet.

Everything else here is as it was, therefore, very unspectacular.
I just read a book on biotechnology. The book itself is quite good, vo technical ago and also deals with something around it, ie patents, GMP, the bases and also with the Zukunftsausichten. But the author is quite arrogant.

section "Bioethics in Plant Genetic Engineering"
"... But unfortunately, public debate on the benefits and risks of plant biotechnology suffers a large number of unexpected objections mainly because of the misinformation, misunderstanding, and manipulative analysis of the data of surveys. But it appears that it is a short phenomenon and as time passes, with the support of new convincing evidence safety and efficiency and at the same time the complete absence of evidence that shows the contrary, more and more consumers will accept GM foods and crops "

Well, he's right, all others do not.
We shall see.

I . wish you a nice weekend

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Disturbed Singers Jewelery

- 80 ° C

Some things one learns when one is NEN half day busy figure out what is actually in these small 2ml plastic tubes is that froze anyone in the last 5 years

-. Permanent Marker are not permanent, something to label it in plastic and then frozen and thawed several times and then freeze the font does not look good.
This is especially for all colored pencils, black will last longer.

- Normal household sticker not hold when it freezes for some time at -80 ° C. But they fall off until the water is what it is stuck to the plastic tubes to thaw. This is bad, especially if it happens somewhere where NEN breeze, and we no longer know which sticker was one that plastic tube.

- you put his head for 30 seconds or longer in a freezer, then this has the same effect as when one eats his ice cream too fast.

- E5 or E WT is not a sufficient label for a plastic tube. Especially not if you do not write to find out exactly the explanation for that name is in the lab book and left the institution three years ago.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saree Blouse Designs 2010

Another week has passed. The work is really great. We just found ne good way to perform immunocytochemical staining, the boss of my supervisor is impressed and another mega-experiment this week was started. And another is that next week. So everything is very nice.

seems, since the sun and I was riding a bicycle to work I saw some pictures in the nearby make Oakpark. The park is really impressive. Ancient oaks and quite pristine forest.

The lake which the house is de I work

The house in which I work.

The oldest "Elder" (elder) in the forest.

I ünsch you ne nice week

Monday, March 30, 2009

When Shoud I Start Seeing Results From Zumba

positive control

my positive control worked.
not for all who know what the beudetet:
the work of the past six weeks has worked and if the actual sample die now, it is not because of my work, but is NEN result. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How To Make Improvise Generator

St. Patricks Day, Dublin and the everyday madness

Dear external world,

have in the past ten days I managed to leave this great city Carlow yet again.
First St. Patrick's Day where I went with my two French Exmitbewohnern to Dublin and I've looked at the parade. Where there were clear to see more. Several hundred thousand people in green-orange-white. With shiny plastic butt glued, orange hair in a more or less advanced Besäufniszuständen. So more or less a huge, huge bathroom key party.

photo: I'm

And barely three days later I drove back to Dublin and I collected my friend Mel at the airport. Upcoming three days we spent together in Dublin and surrounding areas. And I had to find Dublin has some nice Gregorian houses. The museums in Dublin are usually freely available, apart from the private, which are totally overpriced. To put it in the words of one employee: "We Irishmen with the boom, the prospects for value lost."
We have then paid to the "Book of Kells" to see for two people, around 20 €. For those who are asked why you spend so much money for a badly copied, very old book that is written in a dead language, seen by 2 inch bulletproof glass, say the I have the following:.
"interested in the book do not give a damn what my interested is:

the long room
Source: (03/25/2009)

Trinity College Trinity College

to the the library is heard alone worth a visit. The way will cost no money and if you take a look through the windows of Biotechnology Labs, then that's a little bit like looking into "the long room." But only a tiny bit.

Garden at Dublin Castle

addition to the various tourist attractions that we have such visits, you can still recommend Dublin for shopping and to drink beer NEN. For those who really like fully in the "Temple Bar" district and for all other three streets away. Oh and "drunk like the Irish" is no accident. That includes drinking culture as quickly as possible to be drunk.

And you can also do well without a car and get out once a day in the city. This one simply increases the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport ) and goes a bit out of town. For example, to Howth, a small fishing village just 30 minutes from downtown.

Howth has everything you could wish for so as to find some rest from city life. A tranquil harbor, an old castle with a museum ...

... Ruins ...

(that's the way I do)

... wild animals ...

... and a long walk along cliffs and away from people (ie non-tourists, naturally).

All photos were taken by Mel.

Monday we drove to Carlow and have a nice, quiet day spent here and what beautiful cooked.

Now it's back on with normal life.

What for me I surf the net a lot and try to figure out what I do after my Bacchelorabschluss. And that's not so easy. Easy to start working after that sounds like a reasonable possible, but honestly I would rather more responsibility. Well, there's nothing definitive ...

And finally, something interesting:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where Is Moisture Indicator On Sidekick

Holiday Homes Denmark - the Stripper

holiday for two with no mother in Denmark. This video clip was created by Feriepartner Denmark.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Extreme Eye Rescue Isabella

Weather signs of life will be better

The weather is consistently better. The temperature rises and the rain ... takes at least not through to the bone. Whatever that means I'm slowly making it the basic version of my internship report to write, before I spend my weekends to see the country and this report will be up to two weeks remain before the end. Of course, now some people who know me think more, "what has happened only with the unorganized young man we knew?"
I wonder too. But in my defense: the report to be ready when I'm home again, at least the content part, which is somewhere in the formalities of my degree program. Technicalities are allowed to stay until just after the new semester are. Apart from these

report problems I have yet to make preparations for this job. And once again showed the ISTAB (my program) is well represented. Also in the group in Bremen, where I would like to work from July to August is an alumni of us. With which I'm going to very carefully to contact.

At work I just put on plants, plant food mix to create NEN log for coloring (translated Tung: I read lots of scientific articles and stealing what I think what work in my case could and over the next week try I all kick off and what use I can not get out) and in the last week it was there already so pretty. Sounds boring and uneventful, it did not.

I wish you a nice weekend ...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Napster Hearings On Best Of Snl

The other day in Monte Carlo

Appointments, of which one comes home with more money than you are driving down, but the most pleasant. Volvo has loaded for the presentation of the new S80 to Monte Carlo, which is in itself already very nice. 20 degrees, bright sunshine and a beautiful route through the mountains and along the coast.

After dinner in the rooms of the private car collection of Prince Albert but he was really lucrative evening. Well, I did not become rich, but an increase of 55 € at the casino is impressive, no?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Revlon Skinlights Peach Light Illuminator

Yummy Food: Trattoria da other day in Rome Teo

The Trattoria de Teo is certainly anything but welcoming. Located in Trastevere, just a stroll from the Tiber located in the Via dei Vascellari 29 the small restaurant and only the many obvious local guests, cavorting with the paper tablecloths covered parking spaces, suggest that the kitchen here clearly must be better than the ambiance.

In the pale neon light to push the tables together, are a few places in front of the door's on the sidewalk. The cartridge itself, first a little surly, but then all the more charming, explained in a mishmash of Italian and English, the menu, but quickly comes to the conclusion: "Ok, I will think for you". The selection of the antipasti was over my companions.

did I, however, as it should be in Italy, pasta as an appetizer, and order then a secondo, but was informed immediately: First of the Rigatoni Carbonara and then when I was still hungry I, like something else.

What can we say: Even the mixed starters were a dream! Deep-fried artichokes, meatballs, fried cauliflower frittata and of best quality. And then the rigatoni! Not to compare with, what does this country Carbonara. No trace of bland cream sauce, but plenty of egg yolk, onions and bacon. The latter beautifully fried crispy and the sauce thanks to the many eggs bright yellow, as if tons of saffron to it. Indescribable!

Even though my hunger was satisfied after that, already, but then I had to still try the mussels. In a fine white wine-garlic sauce, which is also looking for this country to none. This delicious bread and plenty of vino. After all, the bottle of house wine is available with just 6.50 euros on the invoice, a liter of mineral water with 1.50 €.

will also mean money left to bring the homemade panna cotta with wild berries and the first-class coffee to the whole of the grand finale.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stereo Receiver For Pool Area

There are certainly more terrible than a business meeting in Rome. 21 degrees and sunshine in Munich during April-weather prevails. Also this is with the Dinner in the city meant so very well. And you also like to forgive even the shuttle transfer from hotel in an old, converted to a restaurant theater. When the road is as worthwhile.

And so it is worth it, then at least the food is good and the Wine to be drinkable. The latter was certainly given and the starters were ok. Certainly not a highlight of the Italian kitchen, but not bad. Only the Saltim Bocca, of which one starts so that they can here that was so tough that it would come back for sure they would have been thrown against the wall.

It offered even better goals than the walls. For even more demanding than the veal was rubbery, the six-man entertainment troupe, which tried out at the theater on time remaining stage to entertain with terrible singing and piano playing artificial people. It was understood, only an attempt. And that was not just the fact that motoring journalists are a very hard-to-sustaining human impact. No, ladies and gentlemen, neither singing nor dancing, and were still on after each course. Up at half past one of the saving back to the hotel shuttle was driving ...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Good Way To Masterbate

Over the last three weeks, done a lot in my life. For one thing, my computer does not even work properly and I have to with a my mother's older laptop Rumschlag. Not that I want to be ungrateful, but you just already noted the difference between the Windows PC and my MacBook. But I think in the summer I'll be able to repair my MacBook.

Life here in Ireland has adopted its own routine. Work Monday to Friday and on weekends, go out once or twice. For a long time in the kitchen, and cooking and watching what roommates are just there and drink beer with them, perhaps NEN. With my two French move today. Whatever that means my driver takes off. Kindly, only to the other side of the road.

I was last weekend in Germany and had a backpack full of books do here. All the books you have donated time and with which I could not yet read. The huge amount of free time wants to somehow be filled. This weekend I said my lab book had smuggled out of time to create a table of contents in peace. I will probably make the same the next two hours.

A quarter of my time is just around. I'm from the country itself have not seen so much, but the latest in a fortnight will change. I'm planning a long weekend with my girlfriend in Dublin and surrounding areas.

And finally again briefly return to my work:
It all goes totally good. We (ie me and my supervisor) sat down at the beginning of the Week together and he tells me what to do during the week like this and then from the time I work well alone in front of me, to a question arises, then I'll find someone with the answer. Power to all cases of total fun in protocols incorporate and figure out how I can do three things at once fill the waiting times in between with useful things. And it is really exciting getting tangled up. Figure out which of the steps in the protocol can be extended by a few minutes to shut down without anything and the best in the Middle ... something that brings blood to boil briefly.

time see what next week brings so ...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bionicle Kraawa Building Instructions

Lecker Essen: Café de Paris

I just wanted so vorschwärmen not only from our hotel in Geneva , but also from the Café de Paris . Who has time to do the Lac Léman and the steak is like should the little restaurant near the station can not escape that it has brought to worldwide fame. be

Since 1930 already in the simply decorated café de Paris steak and French fries served - and that only. If you have settled on a small table with paper tablecloth, immediately comes the question as one would like his steak cooked for. What really does not matter, because the juicy meat is already floating in butter served on a chafing dish where it can be done sizzling.

this butter is exactly it, which helped to elevate international recognition: The refined with up to 24 spices and herbs, known "Café de Paris butter owes its name that is not the French capital, but that very small, rustic Café de Paris in Geneva, where the recipe is still kept as a state secret under wraps.

But you have to be adjusted also in the longer wait times, until you get a place in the first place. The Café de Paris does not accept table reservations and that is when many people are in town, such as during the motor show, the crowd sufficiently large. Over a glass of champagne and a nice accompaniment can be half an hour so bridging problems.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Free Vids Lorna Morgan

Better Living: Rotary Hotel Geneva

As mentioned earlier, we had our one star hotel in Geneva a little unlucky . Friendly way for us quartered Seat the second night in a, in Rotary Hotel Geneva , which compensated the first night completely.

The small four-star hotel in the center, not far from Geneva
lake and treated his guests upon entering the lobby
back the seventies. One can easily imagine how
here at the time the needle went in and out of money.

The rooms themselves are classically decorated, spacious and equipped with extremely comfortable beds. Schick: The rooms on the eighth floor are on two floors, combined with an open staircase. The upper Floor serves as living room, while below are the spacious bed, a sofa, a desk and the bathroom space.

All in all, the Rotary has a chic, charming stone
city hotel. Only the prices are not exactly pleasant: around 970 Swiss francs per night does the fun.

Actress Showing Tomuch

There are many hotels that should be avoided, as the Stars Geneva Airport. When we tried last fall, the room for the Geneva Motor Show book in March, there were two possibilities: The Beau Rivage for more than 1,000 euros a night and that one star hotel on the French border, for about 50 €. What do you take? Sure, the cheap board - is supposed to only be used for sleeping.

But shortly after arriving on Monday afternoon it was clear that it was the wrong choice. The room was only marginally larger than the bed, which was in turn only from a particle board with applied mattress, which have consequently slipped back and forth, and knew only the word of comfort from the dictionary. And the bathroom consisted of a fully enclosed plastic miniature bathroom, as we know them from ships.

This one might even need be, nor life, but the All spots on the carpet and the wall, which I found not so beautiful. Especially since I still hope that there was no water stains and mold. I hope so incidentally, to the green spots in the shower ...

On Tuesday, the first press day, I complained to my sorrow, the Seat-Presse lady then said only: "We also only live in a four-star hotel" because they thought I meant it ironic. When I assured her, however, that we actually lived in one of the worst descent, she offered me and my colleagues but actually two rooms in a sleek Geneva city hotel, which of course we accepted gladly. Thank you!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Where Can I Buy Extra Hot Cheetos In The Uk

Wrong choice of relaxation because

Thus, a Lufthansa lounge at the airport is so great that: We sit on comfortable leather chairs, drinking cold drinks and takes warm foods. All in a friendly, light yellow and dark blue atmosphere.

Dumb only if the relaxation is disturbed prior to the flight of indigenous people in Munich, which - to me sitting - in the broadest Bavarian dialect of their families, their bike tours in Mallorca and the all-important question, where in the United States probably U.S. dollars can get entertained. In a volume that it will notice all the Lounge! This must not be true ...

Pledge Polish On Skis

Yummy Food: Tavern Wittenstein

Last night tried I opened the first with a girlfriend early February "Tavern Wittenstein" in rule bei Nürnberg out. The good woman Wittenstein has been operating for some time the museum catering Klara the Neues Museum Nuremberg us has now settled on the country in addition to a small inn.

The premises still need one or the other beauty treatment, the service must also import a bit but the most important, the food, fit and the prices are at normal levels! The menu is straightforward but well put together: one, two soups, a few salads and a diverse mix of main dishes such as Penne Gorgonzola sauce, pork in thyme and Frankish pork should offer something for everyone. Only limited in two mousse dessert selection is expanded further.

Answering Machine Messages Business Examples

Week End ... 01:03:09

And another weekend is over. This time, yes, as already announced, 1.0 weekend ... with no laptop, no cell phone charging cable and no Internet. But it works! You find out very quickly who has everything an iPhone or iPod NEN, there to load the phone. :-)

only blogging on the phone does not really much fun, that's why only now again a record. And, like last weekend, is again not much happened over the weekend. Except I had to reiterate that I am getting old: Friday evening we were to semi-three in Munich on the way, are then early in the morning went to Nuremberg, had returned until well after three clock in bed and on Sunday I was then accordingly done - and am today. And my husband had to do Saturday and Sunday are still behind the counter and work ...

Three clock is still not that later! Earlier, when everything was better, it was not even home before dawn. But no sooner is even a quarter of a century old, it holds nothing more from ... Bad. My husband and I have on Saturday in the Park Café any case decided that we get out of the age are! :-)

Sun, and not of the new week is boring, you go right now to the airport and until Wednesday to Geneva for the Motor Show. One must indeed look even know if it still exists Opel!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Received Tax Refund Early


very great, now I'm just arrived in Nuremberg and had to find
that I leave my bag with laptop and all the other stuff
in Munich got it!

And now I sit in the cafe where my husband works to him to watch,
am dealing with my latte and ask myself how such a
weekend without a laptop probably is. Worse, without the Internet, even without
Web 2.0! Is that possible?

Ok, there's the iPhone, but: The charger is located where? Exactly, in the
bag! And about the battery life you have to say nothing ...

What do I do now? Reading the newspaper? Really with paper and black
fingers and not as an RSS feed? Or meet people? In real life, colorful and
in color? Actually not a bad idea ...

felt like a friend is, "Look it's time as an opportunity" ... Get
I do! Let's see how the weekend is 1.0. Not for all, there are still
Twitter on the iPhone ;-)